
Protecting Muslims

By Dave Buhlman


It is so obvious that Islamic terrorists are slipping over our Southern border that even Janet, "Big Sis", Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, is aware of it. And it takes a lot to get her attention, unless of course you're an American gun owner who believes in the Bible. Big Sis does not like that group. Not at all. So she made a list, has checked it twice, and sent a copy to US Attorney General Eric, "Let 'Em Go", Holder to confirm that being a good American is not nice.

The dangerous impacts of allowing illegal immigration to continue are best displayed by the signs installed in Arizona by the federal government that warn Americans to avoid certain areas of Arizona because of illegal activities perpetrated by foreigners. Thus has the federal government handed control over a section of the United States to foreigners. If Americans cannot go into this area, under the protection of the laws of the United States, this area is no longer ours, as allowed by the Obama Administration and its elitist supporters. It has, in essence, been ceded to Mexico.

This is just the way the elite want it, and all signs point to their intent to make things worse for American citizens, both in the de facto surrender of US territory, and in their encouragement of illegal entry into the United States. This is obvious.

The United States has the most powerful military force in the world today. Given this, it would be relatively easy to thwart illegal immigration of all kinds, but especially the Muslim terrorist variety, by deploying at least a Division of Marines on the border to bolster the brave Border Patrol agents. Why fool around when our country is under attack? This Division would secure our Southern border and then, to make things quite clear, conduct an incursion ten miles into Mexico to temporarily establish a new border to the south of the Rio Grande River. One of their missions would be to kill as many members of murderous drug cartels as possible. These slugs are good at murdering unarmed civilians. Let's see how they do when they face the United States Marines. Or run like hell from them, which is more likely. The United States has to do this to protect out country because it's ever so clear that the Mexican government is powerless to do much of anything. We cannot allow their ineptitude to put the territory and people of the United States in harm's way any longer.

Border Patrol agents, law enforcement officers, and other American citizens have been murdered by foreigners on American soil. That's an act of war, and one that is quietly sanctioned by both the Mexican government and elitists in this country.

If we do not send this clear signal to the world, we will be seen as so weak that we will not even defend our own land. That is not America. Not by a long shot.

Dave Buhlman is a former two-term New Hampshire State Representative.


Unknown said...

dave and ron,
there is so much wrong with this post, it's hard to figure out where to start. you make references to events without citation, you draw conclusions based on apparent fantasy. you broadcast your apparent rant against murderous drug cartels in arizona with the title of 'protecting muslims' is confused and misleading. your conclusions that mexico is quietly at war with the united states is so clearly fabricated hyperbole that it renders the entire post as babbling idiocy intertwined with fearmongering. thanks for being former representatives. i hope it stays that way.

Dave Buhlman said...

Thanks for reading my article, K, and nice finish to your comment.


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