
Me and Ronald Reagan

By Ron Dupuis

Picture it. The year is 1966. A young battle tested (yet still boyishly good looking) recently discharged Marine is attempting to adjust to civilian life by matriculating college. The change is difficult. There are fraternities to pledge, social events to attend, and a whole array of organizations to join. The SBBS or “Students for Better Beer Society” is one that shows a lot of promise. To keep it all in perspective there are also courses to register for and classes to attend.
Every story needs a love interest. For this one it’s a California beauty named Sandy Nardella. Blonde, blue eyed, thin, and so tall her perfectly shaped leg’s seemed to go on forever. If not the inspiration of the Beach Boys 1965 hit song California Girls, she certainly could have been.
One day the California beauty invites a Political Science class to help out at a local campaign office. The young, yet still boyishly good looking, still adjusting student jumps at the opportunity without even asking who the candidate was or what the issues were. At the time he would have turned Democrat in order to impress the California beauty.

Stuffing envelopes for a gubernatorial candidate is a somewhat menial task. Especially for our young friend who had but a minimal interest in politics. If, however, accomplishing such a boring task would lead to a closer relationship with classmate “California girl”, the attitude was “so be it.”
It is amazing how quickly things can change. Suddenly the door opened and the candidate himself entered the room. He was a tall man in his mid fifties, wearing a dark business type suit buttoned in the middle. His shirt was white and crisply starched, and his stripped tie was in a Windsor knot. His rugged face was well tanned. Not the type of tan you see around Orange County, but instead the kind someone receives from spending a great amount of time outdoors. He moved about the room with not only an air of confidence, but also a touch of humility. He offered praise, but more importantly was not afraid to asked the lowest of minions what they thought of the literature they were working on and the campaign in general. He was sincerely interested.

Our young student friend did not get to speak to the candidate, or even shake his hand. He was introduced from across the room as “Sandy’s friend over there stuffing envelopes” and did receive a high wave, accompanied by a nod of the head that could only mean “thank you”. That was enough. This is not to say that our young friend experienced and epiphany that day. Dating Miss California long legs was still important. Enjoying collage life and all the social amenities that went along with it was still important. He did however realize for that one brief moment in time he was not only in the presence of greatness, but also received a sincere signal of approval from a man who was likely go on to do great things for not only the State of California, but also our country and the entire world. End of story.

I’m sure being President of the United States and gearing up for what most people belive to be a difficult re-election bid at best,would put a strain on the best of us. In order to capture the prize you have to do and say things in public that you would rather not do even in the most private of moments. Shameless pandering is the name of the game. Recently President Obama received rebuke for invoking the name of President Ronald Reagan. As well he should. Reagan was a staunch conservative in every sense of the word who felt that negotiating with our enemies should be done from a position of strength. Obama is exactly the opposite.
Mr. Obama, I’ve followed Ronald Wilson Reagan’s career, from his election as Governor in the sixties until his death in 2004, and I can truly say “Sir, you’re no Ronald Reagan”.

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