
North Hampton residents please read

Vote down the North Hampton school bond proposal in March
To the Editor:

I attended the North Hampton Budget Committee meting Jan. 11 dealing with the $2.5 million school renovation project which was approved by a 5-4 vote.

I must say that the meeting was handled in a most orderly and civil manner. However, facts are difficult to ignore.

The facts are that we are in the middle of the worst fiscal crisis on the federal, state and town level since the 1929 Great Depression.

Families are struggling to find ways to cut spending and some cities and towns are on the verge of bankruptcy. Senior citizens have had their Social Security cost-of-living increase eliminated and yet the School Board is seeking ways to increase spending.

The School Board, comprised mainly of members with schoolchildren, has skewed the vote to accommodate its special interests. As a senior citizen myself, I've tried to represent those who had no representation and therefore do not know all the facts. There has to be a sense of fairness in any community to make it viable and transparent. To say spending is "for the children" and therefore seniors can be penalized by higher taxes and cuts in income (is wrong).

This is just not the time to raise taxes, so I hope the North Hampton community will turn down the school bond in March, not out of spite, but out of fairness to all.

Alan Williams

North Hampton

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