
Sharia vs. the House of Cards

by Dave Buhlman

"If they do this while the tree is green, what will they do when it’s dry?" This was said by Jesus Christ to the women lining the Way of the Cross that led to Calvary where He was crucified.

He meant that He was right there - the tree was green - and they were putting him to death. Looking to the future, what will His followers do when His teachings and memory of Him have faded, when the tree is dry?
Answer - Not much.

This country was founded solidly on Judeo-Christian beliefs and ethics. Beginning in the 1960s, this foundation came under serious attack from the religion of Secular Humanism. The first significant crack was formed when the US Supreme Court ruling that prayer in government schools was unconstitutional. Then in 1973, this Court ruled that it was acceptable to kill babies in the womb. There were protests to both of these decisions, but they hold to this day despite their deep departure from the Judeo-Christian way. Religious leaders have, in essence, accepted the results and gone on preaching.

Then about twenty years ago, an assault began on government-sanctioned marriage being exclusively between one man and one woman. The people behind this assault detected how weak the founding ethic had become and went on the attack full bore. Today, the ramparts have fallen and state sanctioned marriage between members of the same sex is now the law in many states. When this effort began, most regular folks scoffed at the idea of same-sex marriage but, here we are.

The current assault on the country’s Judeo-Christian ethic is now underway. This assault seeks to impose Islamic Sharia law in the United States. Scoff at this effort at your peril.

The major negatives of Sharia law are fairly well know today. It calls for treating women worse than cattle, and killing all of those who do not agree with Islam. This is diametrically opposed to our laws and way of life as enshrined in the federal and state Constitutions and the Declaration of Independence. But a couple of judges have already given at least half a nod to recognition of Sharia, so the slope is starting to be greased. Many suspect that President Obama is a Muslim, and his bowing to the Saudi King did not help to negate this impression. We’re just not sure where he stands.

Amazingly, despite its abysmal treatment of women, many liberal progressives support Islam under the guise of multi-culturism. They feel we must accept different beliefs and cultures as long, of course, as these beliefs and cultures are not Christian based.

The rat line to the imposition of Sharia law will run through the courts, as these rat lines always do. It is imperative that as soon as a federal or state judge makes a ruling that supports or advances the horror of Sharia law, that impeachment/recall/address efforts against these traitorous jurists begin immediately.

The growth of the poisonous tree of Sharia must be nipped in the bud and our legislators, with their power to remove judges, are our sentinels. Let us be a house of cards no more.

Dave Buhlman is a former New Hampshire State Representative.




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