

By Dave Buhlman

Senator John McCain told a group in Michigan that their jobs are gone and, my friends, are not coming back. The optimism of this leader is infectious, but pray you don't catch it.

What McCain and others running on both sides of the ticket, and many others in the establishment might have added, in the interest of some real straight talk, is the following.

"Yes, my friends, your good manufacturing jobs are gone for good. When we passed NAFTA in 1993, signed into law by my good friend, President Bill Clinton, we knew that there would be hell to pay, but that we and our real friends at or near the top of the pecking order, in and out of big corporations, would not be paying it. You would. Remember that funny little billionaire in the 1992 presidential election talking about the "sucking sound" created by jobs being whooshed from America to Mexico if NAFTA passed? That was my good friend, Ross Perot. Eighteen percent of the American people believed the sucking sound truth, which helped put my very good friend, Bill Clinton, in the White House, ousting my very, very good friend, George Bush the Elder. So many Fords and Chevies that were made here are now made in Mexico because of NAFTA. Many of you went on the unemployment line and then got those nice little Walmart vests, while profits soared for the companies who said, Adios America! It was not hasta luego from these titans of industry because they sure did not intend to see any of you later, my friends. So deal with it, while many in Washington deal with fattened political war chests.

"I hope you can handle this straight talk, my friends. Here's a little more. There's a lie being bandied about that there are 12 million illegal aliens in this country. My friends, let's not be pikers about this! The number is in the 20 million range and growing fast. My friends, Senator Ted Kennedy and George Bush the Junior, wanted to join my effort to give all 20 million of these people, who I consider my good friends, amnesty despite the fact that they broke our laws. The corporations who own Congress lock, stock and cloakrooms, with the exception of that little piece owned and operated by Planned Parenthood, wanted these workers in order to increase their profits by paying them less than they pay you, my friends. But, don't worry, we will create jobs for all of you through retraining to become computer programmers instead of the skilled mechanics that you are. Of course, my friends, you can only have those computer jobs that we do not send overseas or give to foreigners who come here through the H-1B visa program, also created by Congress to take more of your jobs away. So hang on to your Walmart vests. Be prepared!

"There is a Republican candidate running for president, my friends, who talks about getting rid of NAFTA, GATT and other laws and treaties that have hurt millions of Americans. Hurt them badly too, if you can stand a little more straight talk. We candidates, and those in the big corporate media, who are all paid enormous bucks, like to make fun of Congressman Ron Paul, and you should join in too. Why would you want someone as president who will disrupt the current system that's treating you so well? No, wait a minute, that talk is a little too straight, my friends."

Dave Buhlman is a former two-term New Hampshire State Representative and published author who aupports efforts to restore the Republic. All rights reserved.

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