
Who promised steady temperatures?

---by Micheal

I can't turn on a radio or a TV these days without being harangued about global warming. Scientists on both sides of the issue argue back and forth. That's not unusual. Scientists are always doing that. What sends up scam-warning flags for ME is all the non-scientist hype trying to stampede me into paying for just about anything the scammers can think of.

Remember back in 1998 and 99? The world was doomed because of Y2K. Everybody and his uncle told us to throw our money at the problem. Only massive spending would stave off the collapse of civilization. Buy a generator. Buy gold coins. Buy guns. Fund this. Fund that. Quick, they said. Spend spend spend. Only YOU parting with your cash will save the world!

Remember all that hype? This global warming hype has very much the same sound to it.

My latest scam flag went up when listening the (Democrat) mayor of Austin Texas lecturing people about global warming. As an ersatz Al Gore, he does power point presentations. During it, he says, "It's not supposed to be 120 degrees in Fargo North Dakota."

Huh? Who mandated what temperatures towns are "supposed" to have? Even the scientists who argue about global warming agree that the earth has been warmer and cooler in its past. Why do people so automatically assume that whatever temperatures a city had in 1940 are what it's "supposed" to have -- forever? The world was warmer than it is now, during the Medieval Warm Period. I'll bet that spot along the Red River, which would someday become Fargo, had lots of days over 120 degrees.

Michael Griffin, NASA Administrator, caught a load of flack last May when he questioned this unspoken orthodoxy of global stasis. "I guess I would ask which human beings -- where and when -- are to be accorded the privilege of deciding that this particular climate that we have right there today, right now, is the best climate for all other human beings. I think that's a rather arrogant position for people to take."

Who said Fargo is "not supposed" to have a summer day reach 120 degrees? Why is the 100 degree day the ideal? Fargoians might not like 120, but who granted them (or anyone) the right to whatever climate they prefer? This allusion to some phantom standard which NO ONE actually made, is a major scam flag.

Anyone who is rushing you to spend money so that this place or that can be guaranteed a changeless climate is scamming you. Watch your wallet.

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