

By Ron Dupuis

If you type in "Undeniable truths" on your computer, the results may vary from biblical studies to bio-tech foods. Here are 23 not listed by importance, succinct, yet mildly amusing, political, undeniable truths authored by your right-winged, radical columnist and prognosticator extraordinaire. Comments are always welcome only if complimentary.

1. Republicans can't wait to run against Hillary Clinton. Any Republican candidate will crush her in the general election.

2. Despite what Al Gore says, the Earth as we know it is not coming to an end. His "Chicken Little" doctrine is one THEORY and nothing more.

3. Theory; a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact. (From the dictionary)

4. Question any foreign visitor to this country and you will learn that America has the best health care system in the world.

5. The photo of Barack Obama refusing to place his hand over his heart and recite the Pledge of Allegiance during a recent ceremony will hurt his chances in the general election, if indeed he receives the Democratic nomination.

6. Republicans are terrified of running against Gov. Bill Richardson for the presidency.

7. Most clear-thinking Americans don't want to read, listen to, or watch any more news stories about Britney Spears or Rosie O'Donnell.

8. The federal government should shutdown the U.S. Department of Education and pink slip Secretary Margaret Spellings. Individual states and parents should hold the responsibility of educating our children.

9. Bill Richardson, John McCain, and Mike Huckabee, in that order, are the three candidates in the presidential race with the best sense of humor. Only two have a chance of being president.

10. New Hampshire Democrats feel that John Lynch is unbeatable in seeking a third term as governor. He's not.

11. Our young men and women of the all volunteer military are heroes of the highest caliber and nothing less.

12. We are quickly reaching the point where the Iraqi government should be told "Get it together or else€¦"

13. "Or else.." will happen during the next administration.

14. Gas prices will hit $4 a gallon during the next administration.

15. Hillary Clinton will continue to play the "gender" card as long as there are dumb women out there who will vote for her for that exact reason.

16. No matter how much money he raises ($3 million in one day last week)Congressman Ron Paul has absolutely no chance of ever becoming president of the United States.

17. Same sex marriage and abortion WILL NOT be an issue during the 2008 election for president.

18. Most card-carrying members of the A.C.L.U. refuse to recognize that their founder was bent on destroying all Christian-Judeo principles that America was founded on.

19. Many Americans feel that abortion is simply a tool that allows single women to have sex with men who they wish not to bear children with. (Original thought; Ann Coulter).

20. Despite all the Republican candidates for president invoking the name of Ronald Reagan, only one truly emulates him.

21. In 1979, the federal government promised to pay 40 percent of the states special education cost. It has reneged on that promise and will continue to do so.

22. No matter how many flying saucers he sees, Dennis Kucinich has absolutely no chance of ever becoming president of the United States.

23. The assault on God and Christmas by liberal, pinheaded grinches has already begun and it's not even Thanksgiving yet.

Ron Dupuis is a longtime New Hampshire resident, a former state representative, and a freelance writer. His e-mail is drcdupuis@comcast.net. His Web site may be viewed at www.imho-nh.blogspot.com.

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