

By Dave Buhlman

There is one thing that most of those making laws in America have in common – few, if any, have to worry about paying the mortgage and other bills.

This wealth gives them the luxury of dictating to the rest of us, while needing to have no concern about any negative impacts on themselves. They have carefully insulated themselves from the ill effects of larger and more intrusive government, devalued dollars, victim disarmament, public schools that have become indoctrination centers for secular humanism and the “rightness” of homosexuality, and trade agreements that send more and more good American jobs to other countries. Some of these directors of society inherited their wealth (Bush, Kennedy), while others earned it. Those who earned it break down into two groups – the ones who worked hard and smart building a business (Romney, although he inherited decently also), and those who latched on to the largesse of government, either through lucrative contracts or good government jobs at good wages (Hillary, Cheney, Guiliani). For the latter group, were it not for good government connections (right, Neil Bush?) or jobs (right, Larry Potts, formerly of the FBI) they would be consumed in various depths of worry about the future of their families, like many of the rest of us. But they’re all set, thanks.

Things are going so right financially for this monied nobility, that they have the time and resources to plague the rest of us with their offensive schemes and laws. Some want to give amnesty and more benefits to illegal immigrants who broke our laws to get here. Others want to reach in deep to private businesses and dictate to them that they have to treat certain classes of people better than other classes of people in workplace decisions. Still others thinks its just swell to take jobs from Americans and send them to other countries, or have those from other countries come here to take American jobs through visa programs that benefit corporations here and abroad. The Clintons are particularly big on this and have the donations from foreigners to prove it. Then another group wants to attack Iran, thereby shedding more American blood, increasing our debt load, and causing even more hatred of the American empire. The war-lovers, of course, rarely if ever put their own kids in harms way. That’s the role of regular Americans. For them, the idea of war is not to personally sacrifice anything in the battles, but to make sure that some other poor s.o.b. does, while those who plan the wars make even more money. For many of them, more war means even less worries as their bank accounts fill to overflowing.

The creation of the Department of Homeland Security, and similar protection rackets, has created more jobs for regular Americans, but the purpose of these jobs is to police and control other Americans. The purported target – the terrorists – continue to go about their business, while we are forced to de-shoe in airport lines and even have our private parts displayed via special cameras. Many of us also have to battle bureaucratic red tape to get our names off of terrorist watch lists. These lists are so long and therefore useless that they were it’s entirely possible that they were created by choosing people at random from telephone directories. All this we have to go through to go visit sick Aunt Rita in Amarillo.

Other than laws that create more useless jobs for Americans, such as der Homeland Security bill, the only law passed that I can think of that actually benefited regular Americans was the tax change about ten years ago that resulted in our not having to pay capital gains on the sale of a primary residence within, of course, strict upper limits. As long as we’re on tax laws, there may come a day when the federal government will actually show us the law that requires Americans who earn all of their money in one of the 50 states to pay taxes on that “taxable income”. Producing this requirement and liability for this tax in the tax code has taken awhile so far, but we continue to hope against hope that they’ll come clean.

The best thing the elites could do is to put their well-coiffed heads together and begin to repeal the laws that hurt regular Americans and waste big money. It’s a big job, but nobody has to do it. Too bad.

Dave Buhlman is a former two-term State Representative from the sovereign State of New Hampshire, a published author, and a strong supporter of abiding by the Constitution.

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