
Can You Handle the Truth

By Ron Dupuis

Old business:
There has never been a reaction, good or bad, to anything I've ever written for any publication, as large and diversified as what has been received concerning last weeks "23 Undeniable Truths" column. The e-mails and calls are still coming in. Here is my response to a few of the criticisms and compliments.

Undeniable truth #2: "Despite what Al Gore says, the Earth as we know it is not coming to an end."

Response to the gentleman who walked up to me while I was buying chainsaw oil to help a friend harvest some trees: Get a life. It is physically impossible for me to put my saw there, and besides it would probably hurt.

Undeniable truth #5: "The photo of Barack Obama refusing to place his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance will hurt his chances in the general election."

Response to local resident Brendan Kelly who correctly pointed out it was the national anthem that was playing, not the pledge and how Obama was standing was perfectly acceptable.

Response: You are right, Mr. Kelly and I was wrong. However, that photo created a powerful image and for those undecided who do not learn the truth the perception will be the truth.

Undeniable truth #15: "Hillary Clinton will continue to play the gender card as long as there are "dumb" women who will for that reason vote for her."

Response to the lady who chastised me for calling women "dumb": Anyone, female, male, cross gendered, trans-gendered, or gender bender, who votes for a woman simply because of her gender is dumb. I stand by that.

Undeniable truth # 16: "No matter how much money he raises, Congressman Ron Paul will never become president."

Response to Mr. Louis Rose of Jacksonville, Fla.: Ron Paul has an important message concerning fiscal policy and our monetary system and he should be listened to. Unfortunately, this does not qualify him to be president and most voters realize that.

Undeniable truth #23: "The assault on God and Christmas has already begun."

Response to the angry person who wrote me and told me what to do with a Christmas tree: As with the chainsaw, it is physically impossible for me to put it there and besides it would still hurt. Merry Christmas to you, sir.

New business:

Last weekend was spent renewing old acquaintances with Gov. Mike Huckabee and his campaign staff. The governor spoke at two events and was, "In My Humble Opinion," at his absolute best. This man does not speak in platitudes as many of the candidates, but instead he speaks of solid, cognizant ideas for solutions facing the next president of the United States.

"Our health-care system is just that, "health care" not a "health" system. The cost of treating chronic disease under the present system is at 80 percent. If we had a "health" system that encourages and treats good health in the early years, the cost of treating chronic disease would be drastically reduced. We don't need universal health care mandated by federal edict or funded through higher taxes. We need to get serious about preventive health care in the early years."

The governor continued. "I'd like you to join me at the best 'Going Out of Business' sale I can imagine — one held by the Internal Revenue Service. Am I running for president to shut down the federal government? Not exactly. But I am running to completely eliminate all federal income and payroll taxes. And I do mean all — personal federal, corporate federal, gift, estate, capital gains, alternative minimum, Social Security, Medicare, self-employment."

Mike Huckabee does not have the funding other candidates have, yet he is in the top tier of presidential contenders because of his ideas, sincerity, and hard work. When asked who this columnist endorsees, I simply refer to the sign on my lawn, the bumper sticker on my car or the button on my lapel. I like Mike Huckabee for president.

For more information go to www.mikehuckabee.com.

Ron Dupuis is a New Hampshire resident, former state representative and a freelance writer. E-mail him at drcdupuis@comcast.net or visit his Web site at www.imho-nh.blogspot.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dupuis, I was pleased to meet you at that Mike Huckabee event, and I thank you for taking the time to talk with me.

I'm sure, by the way, that the comment about your Christmas tree was intended in the spirit of love, tolerance, and the utmost of open-mindedness for which liberals are well known.


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