

By Dave Buhlman

When several of us New Hampshire State Representatives introduced bills last year to oppose illegal immigration, a few of the pro-lawbreaking dolts accused us of being racist. What tripe! That's the best they could do - attack us with worn out lies.

Now comes President Bush's boon companion, former Mexican President Vincente Fox, to offer his stale, offensive rhetoric:

"NEW YORK (AP) - Former Mexican President Vicente Fox said Monday that the United States is letting racism dictate its policies, especially when it comes to immigration.
'The xenophobics, the racists, those who feel they are a superior race ... they are deciding the future of this nation,' he said, without naming names, in an interview with The Associated Press.
In his first interview to promote his new book, 'Revolution of Hope,' Fox applauded President Bush's desire to pass an immigration accord that would allow more Mexicans to work legally in the U.S. "

It has been said that wrapping oneself in the flag is the last refuge of a scoundrel. For Vincente, wrapping himself in what he knows are lies is the refuge of a manipulator who has no truth in him. He should be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. Instead the controlled media lackeys will swoon over him and his recently published book, "Yankee, Get Out of Your Home", or something like that.

The majority of Americans of all colors oppose the Bush/Kennedy/McCain amnesty program for illegal immigrants. These Americans are either citizens or those who are in this country legally. They are standing up for the rule of law and to protect their jobs and families from the invasion from the south orchestrated by the elite both north and south of the Rio Grande. The real racists and shallow thinkers are those who scoff at these law-abiding beliefs, like the President and his collaborator friend Fox. They tell Americans to shut up and take what the government dishes out. Worse, to paraphrase Moe of the Three Stooges, they say to us, "You'll take it AND you'll like it!". What ever happened to the concept of shame?

Regarding Fox's above comment about "superior race", do check out the web sites of La Raza and similar racist sites. Their praise of Hispanics is reminiscent of what you'll see on a National Socialist (Nazi) web site about the white race. Different colors, same idiotic racial biases.

It appears that Bush, McCain, Kennedy, and other collaborating quislings in Washington, DC have little to no allegiance to the concept of country, and were probably lost in a day dream when reciting their oaths of office. They are way out of step with those they purport to lead. May they fade into history soon, and their names be spoken no more.


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