

By Dave Buhlman

In the New Testament, Jesus warned his followers that some members of their own household would oppose their belief in Him and persecute them for that belief. That surely did happen back then and continues today.

In the "household" of the United States, we have powerful members who oppose the Constitution and our sovereignty. It has been said that we will be defeated by forces from inside our own country and that no outside force could do it. This undermining seems to be happening fairly regularly, with fellow family member citizens undermining the interests of the United States and its citizens.

A recent example of this undermining effort is that of Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York. He is pushing hard to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants despite the fact that illegal immigrants have broken our laws by entering the country illegally. Spitzer is the former New York Attorney General so he is obviously well aware of what the laws are and what they mean. Based on this, he should be investigated by the federal prosecutor for New York, and perhaps indicted, for being an accessory after the fact of the crime of entering the country illegally. He is aiding and abetting lawbreakers, which is against the law.

Spitzer has plenty of company. President Bush, Senators McCain and Kennedy, and many other members of the elite have pushed hard for amnesty for illegal immigrants. Last week the Senate defeated -for the fifth time- a bill to benefit illegal immigrants. These proponents have no shame; they will be back for another try. All of them have taken their oaths a number of times to support and defend the US Constitution, but apparently they have evolved beyond such pedestrian considerations as abiding by oaths to some rarified level where oaths are taken for show but are overridden by some supposed loftier agendas. But the result then is a nation ruled by the opinions of men, and not by law. That approach leads to tyranny because there is no restraint on the elites who choose their own path, laws and constitutions be damned.

The pot is being stirred for a Security and Prosperity Partnership and North American Union intended to erase the borders between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. We have the best government ever devised by the mind of man, so there's nowhere for us, and our standard of living, to go, but down. But our form of government has been otherwise eroded with a number of laws that decrease our liberty to allegedly gain more safety. These began in greater earnest in 1995 after the Oklahoma City bombing, and continued with the Patriot Acts after 9/11. If these laws are indeed good ideas and are seen to be increasing our protection, then we will get more of them. Maybe the day is soon coming when those expensive overhead electronic message signs will read "PULL OFF AT THE NEXT REST STOP IN THE NAME OF SAFETY". In the rest stop, police will ask us for our identification, destination and purpose of being on the highway. If we respond correctly, we will be sent on our way, wiping the sweat from our brows. If we don't....

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