

By Dave Buhlman

In "The Inferno," Dante described rings of hell wherein varying degrees of pain and suffering were adminstered.

This past week, several stories brought us into the rings, and there is likely no turning back. We simply don't have the stomach for it anymore.

In Norway, several "educators" thought it would be a good idea to allow toddlers in day care the option of masturbating themselves and others as part of... what is hard to say. These heroes stood right up in public and proclaimed this idea as both enlightened and helpful for the development of the children. They will probably be praised by other "enlightened" individuals, including all of the pedophiles who will be clamoring for teaching jobs. Instead they should be arrested for, at the very least, child endangerment.

In Caliphonia, on our western edge, Governor Arnold signed a bill to prohibit the use of terms in public schools such as "Mom" and "Dad" because these terms might offend those otherwise oriented - homosexuals, lesbians, cross dressers, transgendered, transspecied and other Hillary Clinton voters. Thus he caved in to pressure from this minuscule minority of the offbeat at the expense of the 99.99 percent of the people (including even all of his illegal immigrants) who support the thousands of years of success generated by the traditional family. Also, for a bonus, each individual will be allowed to use the bathroom or lockerroom he/she feels most comfortable in. So if a young, heterosexual male wants to declare that he may be otherwise oriented, he can slip in to the girls rooms for a look. No doubt such an invasion of privacy will just thrill the gals. Too bad, kids, Arnold says you must accept this for the greater advance of society. Arnold posed a lot for homosexual skin mags in the seventies, so his decision to favor the warped over the normal is not the biggest of surprises.

President Bush, who responded during a debate in 2000 that Jesus Christ was his favorite philosopher, now declares that we're all praying to the same God and that all religions are pretty much the same. If he hadn't kept up the act of being a real Christians to pander to the airheads following the supposed Christian leaders of our day, that would have been okay. Then he would be among the majority of elites who feel that everything is beautiful, especially the big no-bid contracts handed to them by the feds. They do not claim any core beliefs, beyond stealing more form the feds and filling up their investment accounts, so at least they're not hypocrites. But W sure is, with his special Muslim dinner last week in the White House to celebrate the end of Ramadan. First, Mr. President, Jesus Christ was not a philosopher, such as Immanuel Kant, but He is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, who died as the One Redeemer for the sins of mankind. For Christians, such as myself, the Lord Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. No one else is. As a Christian, W should know and believe that we will all be judged by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ upon our deaths. This includes the popes, Muhammad, Buddha, the chief rabbis, me and W.

"Be ye hot or cold, but not lukewarm," said the Lord in the Book of Revelation. Would that our president could understand this simple concept.

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