

By Dave Buhlman

In the New Testament, Jesus warned his followers that some members of their own household would oppose their belief in Him and persecute them for that belief. That surely did happen back then and continues today.

In the "household" of the United States, we have powerful members who oppose the Constitution and our sovereignty. It has been said that we will be defeated by forces from inside our own country and that no outside force could do it. This undermining seems to be happening fairly regularly, with fellow family member citizens undermining the interests of the United States and its citizens.

A recent example of this undermining effort is that of Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York. He is pushing hard to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants despite the fact that illegal immigrants have broken our laws by entering the country illegally. Spitzer is the former New York Attorney General so he is obviously well aware of what the laws are and what they mean. Based on this, he should be investigated by the federal prosecutor for New York, and perhaps indicted, for being an accessory after the fact of the crime of entering the country illegally. He is aiding and abetting lawbreakers, which is against the law.

Spitzer has plenty of company. President Bush, Senators McCain and Kennedy, and many other members of the elite have pushed hard for amnesty for illegal immigrants. Last week the Senate defeated -for the fifth time- a bill to benefit illegal immigrants. These proponents have no shame; they will be back for another try. All of them have taken their oaths a number of times to support and defend the US Constitution, but apparently they have evolved beyond such pedestrian considerations as abiding by oaths to some rarified level where oaths are taken for show but are overridden by some supposed loftier agendas. But the result then is a nation ruled by the opinions of men, and not by law. That approach leads to tyranny because there is no restraint on the elites who choose their own path, laws and constitutions be damned.

The pot is being stirred for a Security and Prosperity Partnership and North American Union intended to erase the borders between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. We have the best government ever devised by the mind of man, so there's nowhere for us, and our standard of living, to go, but down. But our form of government has been otherwise eroded with a number of laws that decrease our liberty to allegedly gain more safety. These began in greater earnest in 1995 after the Oklahoma City bombing, and continued with the Patriot Acts after 9/11. If these laws are indeed good ideas and are seen to be increasing our protection, then we will get more of them. Maybe the day is soon coming when those expensive overhead electronic message signs will read "PULL OFF AT THE NEXT REST STOP IN THE NAME OF SAFETY". In the rest stop, police will ask us for our identification, destination and purpose of being on the highway. If we respond correctly, we will be sent on our way, wiping the sweat from our brows. If we don't....



By Ron Dupuis
The conversation in most normal American households;
“What are we doing for dinner tonight?”
“I’ve got a good idea”, “let’s do Chinese Take Out!”
O.K. but I want everyone to remember that we have a budget” Dad’s voice of reason exclaimed. “For some unknown cause this stuff is becoming very expensive” Dad muttered to himself.
I’ll take the Kung Pao chicken” Mom declared. “It’s only $5.50.”
“And I’m going with the Moo Goo Gai Pan” Dad said. “For another $5.50.”
“How about little Sally”, “What do you think she would like?”
I don’t know “Mom said. “She’s at the supermarket bagging grocery’s to earn enough for her braces.” “How about Noodles and Vegetables for her?” “That’s nice and soft.”
“And of course, fortune cookies for all three.”

The conversation at one particular household in Chappaqua New York
“What are we doing for the campaign tonight?”
“I’ve got a good idea”, “lets Take Out the Chinese” Dad said.
O.K. but I want you to remember that we have a budget.” “There are print ads to buy and T.V. spots to produce and purchase,” was Moms response.
“We had better get started.”
“I’ll begin with the Aerospace industry.” “That major favor I did them in the ninety’s should be worth a few million” Dad said.
“I’m going with Norman Hsu and the apparel industry.” “He’s always good for a bundle” Mom said.
“What about daughter Chelsea” Dad queried?
“Don’t worry about her” Mom replied. “She’s working on Wall Street and her firm has already donated thirty thousand dollars through their employees.”
“We’ll keep the money nice and soft for her.”
“Don’t forget fortune cookies” Dad said. “Dish washers, busboys, and wait staff can send us anonymous contributions through fortune cookies.”
“What a great idea.” “I’ll get Charlie Trie right on that” Mom replied gleefully.

One cannot be sure if the Clintons feel that they have become as inscrutable as some of their Chinese friends, or if they feel that the American voting public is simply a mouth breathing, slack jawed, drooling dolt with no memory whatsoever. The current “Chinese fund raising crisis” plaguing Hillary Rodham Clinton’s bid for President of the United States is nothing new. Suspicious Chinese fund raising has been around since the first Clinton campaign in the early nineties. Names like Johnny Chung, John Haung, and Charlie Trie appear and re-appear on the list of most favored friends of the Clinton ilk. All of them Clinton fund raisers and most convicted felons. One even had ties to the Chinese military intelligence community.
Most political observers feel the Chinese connection began when President Clinton shifted regulation of technology exports responsibility from the State Dept to the Commerce Dept. Evidently feeling that this was not enough, President Clinton then signed a waiver that circumvented the entire law. This allowed defense contractors like Loral and Hugh to export to China anything they desired, such as modern satellite communication systems and defense electronics. Bernie Schwartz and Michael Armstrong, CEO’s of Loral and Hughes respectfully, each donated over a million dollars to the Clinton re-election campaign. Go figure!

The saga continues with candidate Hillary Clinton receiving two thousand dollar donations ostensibly from the dish washers, waiters, and busboys throughout New York’s Chinese community. Donations to the tune of over three hundred thousand dollars. From people living at the bottom of the economic ladder, making perhaps eight hundred dollars a month. When a major New York newspaper checked out the addresses provided by campaign reports many turned out to be fraudulent. Others were run down tenements occupied by people who had never heard of the listed donor.

Does anyone see a pattern here? A pattern by the Clintons that reaches as far back as the nineties. It seems to be true that the candidate who raises the most money generally wins the election, and the Clintons, through their Chinese friends seem to be well on their way in achieving both goals.

Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. E-mail him at drcdupuis@comcast.net or visit his web site at



By Dave Buhlman

In "The Inferno," Dante described rings of hell wherein varying degrees of pain and suffering were adminstered.

This past week, several stories brought us into the rings, and there is likely no turning back. We simply don't have the stomach for it anymore.

In Norway, several "educators" thought it would be a good idea to allow toddlers in day care the option of masturbating themselves and others as part of... what is hard to say. These heroes stood right up in public and proclaimed this idea as both enlightened and helpful for the development of the children. They will probably be praised by other "enlightened" individuals, including all of the pedophiles who will be clamoring for teaching jobs. Instead they should be arrested for, at the very least, child endangerment.

In Caliphonia, on our western edge, Governor Arnold signed a bill to prohibit the use of terms in public schools such as "Mom" and "Dad" because these terms might offend those otherwise oriented - homosexuals, lesbians, cross dressers, transgendered, transspecied and other Hillary Clinton voters. Thus he caved in to pressure from this minuscule minority of the offbeat at the expense of the 99.99 percent of the people (including even all of his illegal immigrants) who support the thousands of years of success generated by the traditional family. Also, for a bonus, each individual will be allowed to use the bathroom or lockerroom he/she feels most comfortable in. So if a young, heterosexual male wants to declare that he may be otherwise oriented, he can slip in to the girls rooms for a look. No doubt such an invasion of privacy will just thrill the gals. Too bad, kids, Arnold says you must accept this for the greater advance of society. Arnold posed a lot for homosexual skin mags in the seventies, so his decision to favor the warped over the normal is not the biggest of surprises.

President Bush, who responded during a debate in 2000 that Jesus Christ was his favorite philosopher, now declares that we're all praying to the same God and that all religions are pretty much the same. If he hadn't kept up the act of being a real Christians to pander to the airheads following the supposed Christian leaders of our day, that would have been okay. Then he would be among the majority of elites who feel that everything is beautiful, especially the big no-bid contracts handed to them by the feds. They do not claim any core beliefs, beyond stealing more form the feds and filling up their investment accounts, so at least they're not hypocrites. But W sure is, with his special Muslim dinner last week in the White House to celebrate the end of Ramadan. First, Mr. President, Jesus Christ was not a philosopher, such as Immanuel Kant, but He is the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, who died as the One Redeemer for the sins of mankind. For Christians, such as myself, the Lord Jesus Christ is the Alpha and the Omega. No one else is. As a Christian, W should know and believe that we will all be judged by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ upon our deaths. This includes the popes, Muhammad, Buddha, the chief rabbis, me and W.

"Be ye hot or cold, but not lukewarm," said the Lord in the Book of Revelation. Would that our president could understand this simple concept.



By Ron Dupuis

This week I’m offering a potpourri of “humble opinions” and questions on matters that have been in the news lately.
The New Hampshire Primary- If you feel all the controversy is about New Hampshire not having a better representative cross section of the American public you would be wrong. Take a look at the campaign donations raised by candidates of both parties. The tab is well over one hundred million dollars. Most of which is spent in the early primary states like New Hampshire, Iowa, and South Carolina. It’s no surprise to anyone that a financially depressed state such as Michigan is seeking a bigger slice of the pie. Bill Gardner, hang in there.

Phony Soldier Issue-Recently talk show host Rush Limbaugh (genuflect please) made a comment to a caller who was discussing both military and non-military people that claim to have fought battles both in Iraq and elsewhere Evidently an anti-war group of veterans was using a young man by the name of Jessie MacBeth as their public poster boy. MacBeth not only claimed to be a once wounded Iraqi war veteran, he also purported to have killed, under orders from his superiors, over two hundred innocent women and children. The veterans group was about to send this young man on a nation wide tour with legitimate veterans who were opposed to the war in Iraq when the truth was revealed. It was during this discussion of this incident that Rush (genuflect please) used the term “phony soldiers”, clearly referring to MacBeth. As someone who has listen to Limbaugh for nearly twenty years I can truly say that I have never heard one word of malignment toward our military. If fact just the opposite is true. Rush (genuflect please) has not only visited with the troops in places like Afghanistan, he has always offered nothing less than total support for their effort.
Rush Limbaugh (genuflect please), hang in there.

Birth control for 6th graders-While many New Hampshire Representatives consider the re-introduction of the Parental Notification Law, our country cousins in the progressive state of Maine are weighing the practice of issuing birth control prescriptions to middle school students without any parental knowledge. Apparently the city of Portland operates seven Health Centers in its public schools in an effort to provide access to health care for its students. Students who have permission to be treated at these clinics are already allowed to receive condoms at all of the facilities. Now the Portland School Committee is considering the practice of issuing birth control prescriptions to middle school children, as young as 11 year old, again, without parental notification.
New Hampshire Representatives, hang in there.

Sandy the Burglar- Lets pretend you are the Human Resource officer for a large corporation responsible for the well being of millions of people all over the world. Your assignment is to find someone to serve on the Board of Directors. The result of your effort is the hiring of a disbarred lawyer, and convicted felon who was convicted of stealing and destroying documents of his former employer.
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign announced the hiring of former National Security Adviser Sandy Burger as a unpaid adviser to the campaign. Berger was convicted of stealing classified documents from the National Archives by hiding them in his socks and down his pants. He was also convicted of destroying some of those documents. Many politicians, both Democrats and Republicans questioned Senator Clinton’s actions. Sen John Cornyn of Texas was quoted as saying “I think anyone who would surround themselves with advisors like that is demonstrating bad judgment.” Rep. Peter Hoekstra of Michigan said that the Clinton campaign should “ clearly distance themselves from Sandy Berger. This person should not be a key adviser to any of the leading candidates.”
Senator Cornyn of Texas and Representative Hoekstra of Michigan, hang in there.

Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His e-mail is drcdupuis@comcast.net. His web site may be viewed at www.imho-nh.blogspot.com



By Ron Dupuis

The other day, after spending about twenty minutes playing games with a telemarketer my wife stated that I had “way too much free time on my hands.”

Before the “Do Not Call” registry, telemarketers had pretty much a free hand as to when, where, and how irritating they were allowed to be. For awhile that changed. Threats of heavy fines curbed these minimum wage hawkers to a point where a family could enjoy an evening meal together without suffering the anxiety of having to decide whether or not to join the “Beef of the Month” club.

All this is beginning to change. The calls are returning at an even more intense frequency.
The incident that prompted my wife’s comments was a call that informed me that I had won four round trip tickets to any destination in the country. Immediately realizing that it was some sort of scam, I decided to have some fun by taking it, with a little humor of course, to the logical conclusion; no tickets for me.

“Mr. Dupuis, you have won four round trip tickets to any destination you choose, to be used at any time you choose.” “Isn’t that wonderful” the obnoxiously perky, high pitched voice suggested?”

“That certainly is” I responded. “As a matter of fact, at this very moment I was planning a get-a-way for a week or so.” “Just don’t send the tickets here”, “send them to my girlfriend’s house.”
I was then informed that it would be necessary for me and my girlfriend to pick up the prize tickets at a time share vacation resort a few hundred miles away. All we had to do, after enjoying a buffet breakfast, is listen to a ninety minute, no pressure presentation as to the joys of owning a time share at their
wonderful, modern resort facility. We would then receive the precious ducats and be on our way to any destination we choose.

Miss high pitched perky voice then inquired if my girlfriend and I, despite “no purchase necessary”, would have any interest in buying a time share.
“No” I responded. “I don’t think my wife would appreciate it.”
A pregnant silence, then a curt “Thank you for your time.”

The line went dead in the middle of “What about my tickets?”
A little research taught me that any time you put your phone number on a receipt or e-mail address for that matter, a company has a right to call you with “No purchase necessary’ offers, despite being on the “No call” list.

The same research produced some other tidbits of information concerning telemarketers.
First; at times your phone will ring and there is no one there. That is a machine recording the time you are home and answering the phone to be used at a later date for a live person to call. The best defense is to repeatedly hit the # key as fast as possible which will confuse the recording machine and throw your number out. If you have the time and strength, the next best defense is to keep the live person on the phone as long as possible. I once told a telemarketer that I was a Federal agent investigating a possible homicide at this location and needed their name and a call record as to how many times they called. I told another male telemarketer that I suspected him of being the man who has been running around with my wife for the last year and if I ever caught him he would pay with his life. I led another persistent person who was trying to sell me “Fruit of the Month for the next decade or so by exclaiming that I was not only allergic to fruit but also eighty seven years old and had just been informed that there weren’t too many months left. You’ll be surprised how quickly the call is terminated and how, over time, you hear less and less from these people.

My wife may be right. Perhaps I do have “way too much free time on my hands.”

Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His e-mail is drcdupuis@comcast.net. His web site may be viewed at www.imho-nh.blogspot.com.


By Dave Buhlman

When several of us New Hampshire State Representatives introduced bills last year to oppose illegal immigration, a few of the pro-lawbreaking dolts accused us of being racist. What tripe! That's the best they could do - attack us with worn out lies.

Now comes President Bush's boon companion, former Mexican President Vincente Fox, to offer his stale, offensive rhetoric:

"NEW YORK (AP) - Former Mexican President Vicente Fox said Monday that the United States is letting racism dictate its policies, especially when it comes to immigration.
'The xenophobics, the racists, those who feel they are a superior race ... they are deciding the future of this nation,' he said, without naming names, in an interview with The Associated Press.
In his first interview to promote his new book, 'Revolution of Hope,' Fox applauded President Bush's desire to pass an immigration accord that would allow more Mexicans to work legally in the U.S. "

It has been said that wrapping oneself in the flag is the last refuge of a scoundrel. For Vincente, wrapping himself in what he knows are lies is the refuge of a manipulator who has no truth in him. He should be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. Instead the controlled media lackeys will swoon over him and his recently published book, "Yankee, Get Out of Your Home", or something like that.

The majority of Americans of all colors oppose the Bush/Kennedy/McCain amnesty program for illegal immigrants. These Americans are either citizens or those who are in this country legally. They are standing up for the rule of law and to protect their jobs and families from the invasion from the south orchestrated by the elite both north and south of the Rio Grande. The real racists and shallow thinkers are those who scoff at these law-abiding beliefs, like the President and his collaborator friend Fox. They tell Americans to shut up and take what the government dishes out. Worse, to paraphrase Moe of the Three Stooges, they say to us, "You'll take it AND you'll like it!". What ever happened to the concept of shame?

Regarding Fox's above comment about "superior race", do check out the web sites of La Raza and similar racist sites. Their praise of Hispanics is reminiscent of what you'll see on a National Socialist (Nazi) web site about the white race. Different colors, same idiotic racial biases.

It appears that Bush, McCain, Kennedy, and other collaborating quislings in Washington, DC have little to no allegiance to the concept of country, and were probably lost in a day dream when reciting their oaths of office. They are way out of step with those they purport to lead. May they fade into history soon, and their names be spoken no more.




By Dave Buhlman

I fully support the nomination of Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) for President of the United States.

The main reason for my support is that Congressman Paul is a strong advocate for abiding by the US Constitution and, with his votes in Congress, has proven that he means it. Paul, along with the other 534 members of Congress and all state legislators, took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. But unlike most of the others, he takes his oath seriously. He knows, for example, that there's no role in the Constitution for the federal government to be involved in education, so he opposes all schemes that bring the federal leviathan into the local classrooms. He also knows that, to go to war, Congress must pass a Declaration of War, not some smarmy resolution substitute. Had our government abided by this requirement, many thousands of American lives would have been saved instead of being lost on foreign battlefields where we were not wanted. The brave ones who died in these unconstitutional wars, and those who fought alongside them, were and are so much better than the leaders who sent them on the mission. So much better.

Congressman Paul supports a return to sound money and the abolition of the privately owned federal reserve banking system. He knows that it's not "federal" and that there are no reserves. It's not an exciting subject, but we all feel the effects of the Fed's fiat money when we shop. It's not that prices have just gone up; it's that the value of the fiat dollars have gone down because the Fed keeps issuing too many of them. The founders had it right when they set the requirements for our money in the Constitution.

As a medical doctor who has delivered about 5,000 babies, he is solidly pro-life. Since 1973, the number of abortions that have been carried out in this country now approach 50 million. That's death on a grand scale, matching that perpetrated by Mao, Stalin and Hitler. Congressman Paul respects and believes in the Ninth and Tenth Amendments which leave the power not granted in the Constitution to the sovereign states, such as New Hampshire.

Recently, Congressman Paul raised a significant amount of money for a "second tier" candidate. This will allow him to carry his message to more Americans, and shake the establishment even more. If you want real change in this country, please support Ron Paul.


The Carbon Hustle

-- by Micheal
I know I've been a little preoccupied lately, so I've not followed the Carbon story very closely. There's been firewood to get split and stacked for winter, and the last of the tomatoes to get in before frost. For whichever reason, I've not been following the Carbon Causes Global Warming story as closely as others have been. This might actually be a good thing, though. Sometimes it helps to come in half way through the show. Doing so avoids clouds of back story confusion. I'll give you an example.

Years ago, I annoyed my mother in law by walking up behind her while she was watching one of her favorite Soaps. Not knowing any better, I proceeded to identify the characters (by type). "Oh, she's the floosie, she's the perpetual victim, he's the shallow-minded cheater," etc. She argued that I only saw 10 minutes of the show. How could I possibly know anything? She's been watching it for years, knowing all the characters' back stories, etc.

Was I wrong, I asked? She didn't want to admit it, but had to confess that my assessments were right. All her years of watching had only clouded her judgement. "Poor little Jessica" was abused as a child, or never really recovered from so-and-so's suicide, blah blah blah. Whatever. She was mean-spirited busybody. I could see that in a matter of minutes. All that back story stuff was just a distraction.

I feel the same with this Carbon story. I look up from my firewood stacking and it seems everyone around me (mostly Democratic candidates) are hawking the idea that Carbon emissions are the 11th plague which is going to ruin the world. What strikes me odd, is what people are pushing as the solution: Sell Carbon Credits.

Any time spending money is a proposed solution to a problem, I'm instantly suspicious. At bit of looking into it doesn't help. Big carbon producers can "buy" a lesser polluter's cleanness? How in blazes does this help? The greater polluter didn't pollute less. He just paid money. The pollution remained the same. Talk about vaporware. Now the lack of carbon has become a commodity that can be bought and sold.  Factories buying the nothing which another factory did not make? Factories "selling" their nothings as if they were a commodity? Doesn't this strike anyone as bizarre? This sounds exactly like farm subsidies, which I've been told is a bad thing.

The other thing that strikes me a little odd, is that everyone is harping on Carbon. Why? A little online research tells me that 72% of greenhouse gas emissions are carbondioxide (mostly from power plants), with 18% being methane -- almost all of that from the agricultural sector. (i.e. Cows) Since methane is 20 to 60 times as powerful as a greenhouse gas than carbondioxide, that means that methane outweighs carbon something like 7 to 1. Why are we fussing over carbon so much? Why isn't everyone bellyaching about Methane Credits? Why is there no Democratic candidate pounding the podium for burpless cows?

Why? Because there's no money in cow bellies. You can't negotiate with a cow to burp less so you can drive your SUV the same as you always have. No. The money is in the hands of wealthy industrialists. They generate carbon. So? go after the money. 

This whole Carbon emissions thing is starting to smell like one giant hustle. An elaborate scam to transfer money from wealthy industrialists to less wealthy ones. The world (warmer or not) goes on unaffected. Maybe my many years of listening to politicians and demagogues has made me cynical. But as soon as they start talking about spending money (usually MY money) to solve their problem d'jour, I instantly don't believe them. It smells like a hustle to me.

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