Then there was that notion that one could have a "clean" administration -- free from all ethical dark clouds and the taint of (hold up your crosses) lobbyists! The first few weeks proved that the Democrat ranks are every bit as muddied by ethical problems. Refusing to involve any lobbyists would mean having too few staffers to get the job done. It was so easy last November. Now? Have to back up that bus to pick up some new riders.
On the campaign trail, it so easy to proclaim that the era of ear-marks and pork legislation would be over. Enter the new term, and a back-breakingly bloated budget has BILLONS in ear-marks and pork. It was so embarrassing that Obama had to sign it behind closed doors. It was so easy to stand out in the spotlights back in November. Now? Gotta back up that bus a bit.
Now we have our latest backing up of the national bus. On the campaign trail, Obama promised Armenian-Americans that he would officially brand the mass killings in 1915 as "genocide." Now, he's overseas trying to get foreign relations up to speed and is dealing with our ally in the mid-east: Turkey. Lo and behold. When asked about his campaign rhetoric about Armenian genocide, Obama backs up. He sidesteps the issue with the mealy-mouthed evasion common to politicians. It was all so easy last November. Now? Not so much. Back up that bus.
It's not like I particularly blame Obama. He's a politician. They will say anything YOU want to hear to get your vote. Lie, steal, cheat, promise you anything. It doesn't matter. They know they cannot deliver. Reality is never as glossy and simple as it seems on the campaign trail.
Who I do blame, are all the blindly naive voters out there who fell for it. Poor fools. Have they never bought a product which did NOT perform as promised on TV? Have they never been told 'the check is in the mail" yet it never arrived? Have we really become a nation of gullible dweebs?
Perhaps we have. Obama has been regularly backing up the bus on his many strident campaign promises since day one. Bush was so purely and simply wrong. HE would step in and do the purely and simply obvious right things. It hasn't happened. Reality is so much more difficult than campaign pipe dreams. Yet, how many of his voters have even noticed? Obama told them the check would be in the mail. They're still sitting by their mailboxes -- waiting.
Michelle might be proud now, but I'm embarrassed.
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