
Many Americans Catch On

---by Dave Buhlman

The stock market tanked around 2002, and Americans, most of them regular folk, lost about $8 Trillion. They hung in there.

Recently, the stock market tanked again and Americans, most of them regular folk, lost about $11 trillion. This recent bust also included the collapse of a portion of the housing market.

With the recent Tea Parties, which were much maligned by those in the controlled media, some Americans showed that they are catching on. Many were suspicious of the political system with its many cozy arrangements, but it was acceptable as long as those 401ks kept pace and led them to believe that a decent retirement was still possible. What they are catching onto now is that the system is rigged against them. Not only is it rigged against them, the rigging was set by those they voted into the Congress and Senate with all decent hope of these guys and gals doing the right thing. And they did do the right thing, for themselves and the banksters that control them. The banksters inhabit the system from the “Federal Reserve” bank, through the big boys like Bank of America, down to the savings and loan on the streets named Washington, and Ash and Oak, and Main.

Congressman Barney Frank (D-Commiewealth) was dedicated to protecting his boyfriend at Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae, Senator Chris Dodd (D-Nutmeg) was getting a sweetheart mortgage from the made man who ran Countrywide Mortgage into the ground, and many others in Congress were dancing to the sweet music=2 0and raising their glasses at Versailles parties held along the banks of the Potomac. All was well…for them.

Presidents Bush and Obama, and their main money aides, cooked up bank bailouts of about $700 billion, and more handouts for others were created. All recipients had indented footprints in the gravy train line leading to both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. They made out quite well, even doling out big bonuses to those who engineered the near collapse of these companies.

The bailout, the associated never-ending debt, the bonuses, and the obvious favoritism bestowed by Washington on members of the monied nobility, caused many clean-living, government-defending Americans to catch on. Maybe some them, the few who remembered the lesser knowns of the 2008 presidential election cycle, thought for a fleeting moment about that brilliant Congressman from Texas w ho was warning about the shaky money system and the damage debt was doing to the economy and our quality of life. Maybe Ron Paul, MD, wasn’t as far off the beam as the controlled media led people to believe.

In response, on April 15, hundreds of thousands of good, hurting Americans gathered at hundreds of Tea Parties across the country to express their distaste for the corrupt system that greed had created in the former swamp now known as Washington, DC.

In response, the power brokers in Washington, and in its toady media outlets, yawned.

Dave Buhlman is a former two-term New Hampshire State Representative.

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