

Hampton Union 11-30-07

By Ron Dupuis

Being the political person that I am, it's very difficult not to discuss politics during this election cycle.
"No politics!" That was the declaration made by my wife as we packed for our trip to the "Big Apple" for the Thanksgiving weekend.
"Whenever we travel you always seem to get into a political discussion with someone that causes your daughter and I a great deal of discomfort and distress."
"That's not true" was my reply.
"Yeah?" "Well, there's a waiter in Connecticut that you made so angry that he brought us our food, late, cold and over cooked all because you asked him if he had a green card."
"I was just being a little inquisitive, and besides, he had a strange accent and didn't speak English very well."
"He was from the South, you dolt." "I'm warning you, don't ruin this trip by discussing politics with anyone" was her final word.
"I'll try," I promised meekly.
The moment the car we hired to take us to the airport pulled into the driveway I knew I was in trouble. The driver and owner of Beauchamp's Car and Limo Service was none other than old friend Joe Beauchamp, someone I had not seen in several years. Since we had both run for public office years ago, naturally the conversation turned to politics under the glare of my wife in the back seat. When the glare from the rear got so intense it could be felt by both Joe and I, we cut the conversation short and made the rest of the trip in inane sports banter.
At the airport while waiting for our flight, I spotted a woman wearing a "Huckabee for President" T-shirt. Since my wife and daughter were in the ladies room, and Gov. Huckabee was my early endorsement, there was a need for a forbidden "political discussion." The Huckabee supporter was Shannon McGinley of Bedford. She told me she and her husband are strong supporters of Gov. Huckabee and will be hosting a coffee for him at their home on Dec. 1. We were in the middle of discussing all of the governor's attributes that make him a viable candidate when my wife returned. Hoping not to have been busted, a hasty retreat was made to the waiting area where I sat staring straight ahead.
"You're not trying very hard" was my spouse's comment.
"Yes dear," was the only response I was able to muster.
The rest of the holiday weekend was spent with a multitude of traditional Thanksgiving events and political discussions of every kind. The New York City police officer who recognized my New England accent when I asked for directions to where they blew up the parade balloons immediately told me he was from Gloucester, Mass. When I confessed to being from New Hampshire he asked me how Mayor Rudy Giuliani was doing. At the parade when my wife mistakenly informed a family from Alabama that I wrote a column for a New Hampshire newspaper, all they wanted to discuss is the primary and how their favorite candidate, Hillary, was doing. For that particular forbidden "political discussion," I place the blame squarely on my wife.
Outside of Macy's department store, while waiting for my wife and daughter, who were inside with an abundance of credit cards trying to make me a much poorer man, a conflict began with a number of follower of someone called Pastor Tony Alamo. Admittedly, it was I who initiated the conversation by asking who their favorite candidate for president was.
"Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of course" was the immediate reply.
After a long "political discussion" as to their foolish thinking, and in my best sarcastic manner I said "Besides that, he's not doing very well in the polls." I'm pretty sure I heard them praying for my blackened soul as I walked away.
I kept my mouth shut during the rest of the trip.
Being the political person that I am, it's very difficult not to discuss politics during this election cycle.
Ron Dupuis is a New Hampshire resident, former state representative and a freelance writer. E-mail him at drcdupuis@comcast.net or visit his Web site www.imho-nh.blogspot.com.

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