
A Little Rain on McCain

By Dave Buhlman

Senator John McCain is clearly the chosen candidate of the establishment. With endorsements by the ultra-liberal (i.e., socialist) Boston Globe, the formerly conservative New Hampshire Union Leader, and the the lead newspaper in Iowa, McCain has had a sweep thus far of the announced newspaper endorsements.

None of these Orwellian organs of truth is concerned about the following in Senator McCain's record.

He is the co-author of the McCain-Feingold Incumbent Protection Act that outlaws any naughty talk by certain activists about incumbents 60 days before an election. So the so-called conservative Senator joined with one of the most liberal senators to restrict free speech and protect their cushy jobs at one of the upper public troughs. So for McCain, the First Amendment guarantee of free speech was just a suggestion. Newspapers are exempt from the smothering aspects of McCain's Incumbent Protection Act so maybe that's why they had no qualms endorsing the straight talker.

His affection for illegal immigration knows no bounds, although he has recently pretended that he's gotten the message from American citizens that they want the laws actually enforced. Before joining with Senator Kennedy to author an amnesty bill for illegal immigrants, McCain strongly opposed Proposition 200 in his home state of Arizona. Prop 200 was an effort to prevent any more hospitals from closing in Arizona due to the weight of the demands for services by illegals. Other institutions in his state were also crumbling under the influx from Kennedy's previous immigration reform bill, but that meant little to McCain. He was on a mission to help the corporations get and keep cheaper labor from south of the Rio Grande, and any suffering that brought to his constituents in Arizona was just too bad. And it was just too bad for all of America if they did not want lawbreakers rewarded by the Amnesty bill he cooked up in Kennedy's kitchen. President Bush was all for it, as were many Republicrats in Congress, so it was a joyous, bipartisan screwing of the American people. But it was stopped, at least for now.

No need, I guess, to go back to the Keating Five scandal of the 1980s in which Senator McCain had a starring role as a recipient of largesse from Keating the Cheater.

On freewheeling immigration from the south, all of the Republican candidates, with the notable exception of the two Congressmen - Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo - were all for it before they were recently heard to be against it. They all heard that the congressional switchboards were shut down due to the enormous call volume from outraged Americans during the summer and fall that defeated the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty bill and some nuthouse plan by a Democratic Senator called the Dream Act. This act was a dream for illegals and a nightmare for the beleagured American citizens who are just trying to survive all of the weight of the world the government loads on their shoulders, from fighting and funding wars to high taxes to pay the interest on the national debt.

So far as I know, all of the Democratic candidates for president love illegal immigrants and are not much concerned about the additional murderers and rapists that come in amongst the hoard. I know that's stating the obvious, but out of disrespect, I didn't want to leave the other corporate political party out of the mix.

Copyright 2007. All rights reserved.Dave Buhlman is a former two-term New Hampshire State Representative, a published author, and a strong supporter of our Constitutional Republic.

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