
Meet the Republicans

By Ron Dupuis
For those of you who feel that this column is written by a totally right winged, biased radical Republican, let me open this week using the same exact paragraph as last time, with one small exception; the word DEMOCRAT has been replaced by the word REPUBLICAN.

“They’re everywhere. Like a mosquito buzzing around your head before landing and draining the life sustaining blood from your body. Don’t get me wrong. It is not only a boon to our economy but also a tremendous honor for New Hampshire to be first in the nation when it comes to the process of electing a President. Most of our million or so residents take it very, very seriously. It’s just that there comes a point in time when men and women with inflated egos from all over America come here, in the beginning, merely to introduce themselves and ask us what we are looking for in a candidate. They then suddenly morph into a pushy, pandering politician, willing to say and do anything to get your vote. That “point in time” is quickly approaching. Let me give you the IMHO opinion on some of the boot licking glade-handers that may be the next President of the United States. This week, the REPUBLICANS.”

Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas; A hard working professional politician who’s expertise seems to be in the farming and agricultural field. He may be an excellent choice for someone as Vice President, however his chances of winning the primary here in New Hampshire are next too nothing.

Congressmen Tom Tancredo of Colorado; Despite all of us owing a debt of gratitude for bringing the immigration issue to the forefront of the primary debate, Tancredo remains a one issue candidate and will drop out around mid February.

Duncan Hunter, Congressmen from California; A popular man by all standards and a great friend of the military. Hunter just does not seem strong enough here in the east. Again, a drop out by mid February.

Cong. Ron Paul; Not a real Republican but instead a Libertarian who has been elected from Texas ten different times .Congressman Paul is an isolationist in the Pat Buchanan sense of the word and despite his cult like following will never be elected to serve in the oval office.

Sen. John McCain of Arizona; If you look up the word “pandering” in the dictionary there should be a picture of Sen. McCain. The campaign is essentially over here in New Hampshire for the good Senator.

America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani; If there wasn’t a picture of McCain when you looked up pandering, there must have been a picture of “America’s mayor”. He has a glad handed, “How ya’ doin’, self promoting, arrogant style that’s beginning to wear a little thin according to most of the undecided voters I’ve spoken with. If indeed he ever captures the Republican nomination, and his chances are pretty fair that he could, and if by chance Sen. Clinton and her husband are his opponents, he will be trounced in the Fritz Mondale fashion.

Gov. Mitt Romney; The former Governor of the Republic of Massachusetts by most standards could be a very attractive national candidate. In New Hampshire he does however have some problems. His patrician persona seems to disconnect with New Hampshire’s predominantly blue collar electorate. In addition to that, his perceived flip flop, whether real or not, on major issues will cost him a number of votes in our state.

Former Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas; is an unassuming man of humble roots. A successful Republican Governor in a predominately Democratic state, Gov Huckabee is perhaps the most engaging, articulate, down to earth candidate out of the whole bunch and by far and away my favorite contender. If voters made a list, as they should do, of all their concerns and issues, they will find that Mike Huckabee has a clear and concise thought as to how he would address each and every one of them. And besides, how can you not love a candidate who picks up a guitar and plays old time rock and roll at his rallies?

Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His e-mail is drcdupuis@comcast.net and his blog where you can view other writings may be found at www.imho-nh.blogspot.com

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