

By Dave Buhlman

From an 8/21/07 Spiegel Online article:

"The poor old Scandinavian moose is now being blamed for climate change, with researchers in Norway claiming that a grown moose can produce 2,100 kilos (approximately 4,600 pounds) of carbon dioxide a year - equivalent to the CO2 output resulting from a 13,000 kilometer (approximately 8,000 miles) car journey." (english equivalents added).

Now that's some moose! And Norway alone has about 120,000 of them. My only wonder is: does Algore produce more or less hot air than one of these moose? Probably less when he's flying in his private jet eating up gobs of fuel, and more when he's bothering us in a public speech, telling everyone that man's activities are causing the sky to fall. I'd call Algore a weenie alarmist, but he did spend eight years in the general vicinity of Hillary Clinton, and that is definitely not for the faint of heart.

Message for Al - there indeed MAY be global warming occurring, but the cause is much larger than anything humans (or moose) are doing while going about their daily lives. Or as meteorologist Reid Bryson put it in a 8/20/07 WorldNetDaily article, referring to global temperatures: "Of course it's going up. It has gone up since the early 1800s, before the Industrial Revolution, because we're coming out of the Little Ice Age, not because we're putting more carbon dioxide into the air". Poor Bryson. he's yet another expert that is shut out by the controlled media because he has facts and speaks the truth about global warming.

But one thing is for sure. If these global-warming religionists get their way, you'll (for one thing) be standing in line waiting for your gas rationing coupons and doing a lot more walking and carrying. That is, unless you're a rock star flying/being driven to another gala to defeat global warming. After all, gas was rationed in WWII and, according to the adherents to preacher Algore, this is a much bigger threat we face now. The whole bogus dogma about man-caused global warming is all about more control over the population. Be assured of that. Yes, the target is on your back.

Now to President Bush who has often said, referring to terrorists (and, maybe, Algore), that "they hate us for our freedoms." To solve this problem Bush is doing everything in his power, legal or not, to take away our freedoms. When he and his lapdogs in Congress are done, the terrorists will presumably love us because there will be no reason to hate us after our freedoms get swished down the DC memory hole.


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