

By Ron Dupuis
While on vacation, per order of my wife, and under penalty of marital torture, I was not allowed to watch a newscast on T.V. or listen to any political nonsense on the radio. I could not read any newspapers or magazines and was instructed to rebuff any efforts to discuss, with anyone, my take on current headlines that may impact our social, political, or economic well being. Vacation over and now firmly ensconced in my office, in front of the computer that I affectionately call “Rasputin”, here’s a succinct and hopefully mildly humorous take on some events that have caught my eye.

The Stock Market; has had more ups and downs than the Roller-coaster ride at Canobie Lake Park. Despite some declines in the mortgage and credit sector, for which liberal Democrats blame George Bush, the Dow had its largest point gain since 2002, for which the liberal Democrats attribute to their fiscal policies of raising taxes. I can’t wait until New York Senator and Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton raises taxes on the major oil companies simply for making too much profit. When will the Democratic Party learn that when you CUT taxes you raise revenues. Ronald Reagan realized that in the eighties. Even John Kennedy knew it in the sixties. Can you say $5 a gallon?

Minneapolis bridge collapse; is a major disaster where innocent people on there way to work died, for which liberal Democrats blame George Bush. It took all of ten seconds for local Democratic politicians to invoke the names of Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California for a possible solution to the “Bush” tragedy.

What they didn’t say is that Minnesota is awash with cash. There is a two billion dollar surplus in the budget this year. That particular bridge should have been inspected and brought up to standards years ago. Perhaps they should have called on the esteemed Sen. Kennedy of the one billion dollar cost over run, Big Dig fame. He has highway project experience. People died there also.

Obama war talk: According to liberal Democrats we are losing the war in Iraq. Again, for this war and all the subsequent chaos in the Middle East, the liberal Democrats blame George Bush. Democratic Presidential hopeful Barack Obama has a solution. He wants to send U.S. combat troops to neighboring Pakistan. Pakistan! One of our allies! This proves, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the young inexperienced Senator from Illinois has absolutely no concept of foreign affairs, statesmanship, or loyalty for that matter.

Immigration; Liberal Democrats feel that all illegals that have entered our country in the past twenty one years should be allowed to stay. Of course they blame George Bush for the entire problem. In this case they are not to far off. President Bush and his guest worker program have divided the Republican Party. Most conservatives want immigration, legal immigration. They want hard working, law biding families to come here and achieve the same success most of our forefathers attained. What they don’t want is the 250,000 illegals currently serving time in our prison system. What they don’t want is the burden these illegals place on our health care system, our school system, and our economy. Finely, what they don’t want is an open porous border in order for those bent on doing harm can come and go as they please. Immigration, instead of being a major issue in the 2008 election, should have been resolved years ago by maintaining safe secure borders.


The radical left has taken over the Democratic Party. They engage in hateful, partisan politics, and promote class warfare. They tell people that there is a “Robber Baron” atmosphere in the country and that the rich are getting richer on the backs of the poor. They tell us that the economy is stifling and that thing will get worst unless they control the White House. To quote a line from an old Temptations song they claim that “More taxes will solve everything.”

All nonsense.

I wish the Democrats would go back to being the party of the people, the poor and middle class. It will be then, and only then that we can all engage in a meaningful dialog and continue on the road to a safer more secure America.

Next vacation I’m going to read the papers and watch the news no matter what my wife says.

Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His e-mail address is drcdupuis@comcast.net Other thoughts and writings may be viewed on his blog which may be found at imho-nh.blogspot.com.

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