

By Ron Dupuis

Dear Diary;
I realize that it’s been a few months since making my last entry, however I’m sure you understand that I turn to you, Dear Diary, in order to vent when troubled and concerned. Unlike some of my Democratic friends, you never judge me or criticize my way of thinking. By exposing your blank pages and allowing me to enter my inner most thoughts and feelings, you provide a therapeutic release that I fail to find in any other venue. In addition to that, Dear, Dear Diary, you provide some inane, innocuous, literary foam peanut filler, for a column that I find difficult to compose at this particular moment in time. For that, I thank you.

Trouble and Concerns.
Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) is the prime sponsor of legislation meant to pull the wool over the electorate’s eyes. Introducing an amendment to the defense authorization bill that would grant amnesty for millions of illegal aliens is the most arrogant form of chicanery ever designed to sneak pass an unsuspecting public. Granted, this is a scaled down version of the good Senators original “Dream Act” legislation that was defeated back in 2003, however, it still grants green card status to millions of illegal students AND their parents. Attaching it as an amendment to the important defense authorization legislation is a transparent maneuver often used by House and Senate members that really don’t care, or are unaware of the American public’s desires. Most Americans, both for and against amnesty feel that in order to resolve this issue the borders must be, first and foremost, controlled. Then, and only then, should the Senate and House discuss the possibility of amnesty.

More Trouble and Concerns.
I made a trip to the State House this week to visit some friends that I had served with in the Legislature and to get a feeling as to what was going on. I wasn’t surprised to learn that the buzz words of the day were “parental notification”.
As you know Dear Diary, I make no secret about being pro-life. Abortion, to me, is a despicable, barbaric procedure that stops a heart beat and ends a life. That being said, I feel it is necessary to keep the word “abortion” out of any discussion concerning parental notification.
I try to convince abortion proponents to imagine their fourteen year old daughter entering an emergency room or clinic and asking for an appendectomy, or a tonsillectomy. Better still, imagine that same off-spring going in and asking for a simple flue shot, or just a band-aid. There isn’t a hospital, a doctor or a nurse in the country that would accommodate her because of the age factor. Why is it suddenly different with a young pregnant girl?

Abortion proponents will tell you that by opposing parental notification they are protecting an assault on Roe vs. Wade and a women’s right to choose. In addition to that they will have you believe that most parental notification legislation passed in this country leaves out a “health of the Mother exception”. All that means is that a physician would be allowed to perform an invasive, dangerous procedure on a minor child without first notifying the parents if in fact that minor child says the right things (I’ll kill myself if I give birth to this baby). On both counts abortion proponents are wrong. Parental notification is not an assault on Roe v Wade, but instead a defense for an assault on parental rights. As far as a “health of the Mother exception” I challenge everyone to seek out a hospital or physician that would allow a young patient to die because they could not reach a parent or guardian. I know I couldn’t.

Well Dear Diary, that’s it for now. I hope that the next entry I feel necessary to make will be somewhat lighter and a little more humorous. Till then, I thank you for your time, patience, and understanding.

Ron, (I’m secure enough in my masculinity to keep a DIARY) Dupuis

Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His e-mail is drcdupuis@comcast.net and his blog where you can view other writings may be found at www.imho-nh.blogspot.com

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