

By Dave Buhlman
Dear Senator Gregg:

Thank you for your four page letter describing your support for the illegal immigration bill that was effectively killed in the Senate last week. It's clear that you gave deep consideration to this issue, and I, as one of your constituents, appreciate that. However, there are several angles on the issue that you did not address.

First, you stated that Mexicans come here for jobs that pay fifty dollars per day instead of the paltry five dollars per day similar jobs pay in Mexico. The problem with that position is that it enables and supports the dreadful oligarchy that has ruled Mexico for far too long. Let those Mexicans who have the spunk to cross the border to break our laws stay in their homeland to put pressure for change in that country. We should not accept the deep corruption in the government at our southern border to be immutable and unchangeable. In fact, we should be helping those Mexicans who want change down there to effect that change. It does no good if they are allowed to come here to avoid the pain dosed out by their corrupt government. That's like telling the active alcoholic to just drink beer - and no hard stuff. It doesn't work, and the problems continue to get worse.

Second, you seem to think that there are not enough Americans to fill the jobs here. I suggest that there are plenty of Americans available to fill the jobs here (despite over 46 million abortions), but at decent wages, not those paid mainly under the table to desperate illegal immigrants. The truth of this was borne out in the recent ICE (formerly INS) raid on the Swift meat packing company. The day after the raid, Americans lined up at the plant to get their old jobs back, the ones that were lost to illegal immigrants via a greedy employer. Illegal immigrants taking these types of jobs from Americans, combined with Congress allowing HB-1 visas that encourage foreigners to fill white collar jobs, is croaking the middle and lower middle classes in this country. Let's end this abuse of our citizens, not encourage more of it.

Third, the immigration bill under recent consideration in the Senate had, as one of its premises, the bizarre notion that those who broke our laws in the first place will dutifully and faithfully follow very complicated new rules to make their situations right. That's downright silly. They will find ways around any new rules Congress makes up, just like big business always does in this country.

Your letter also talked about increased border security. Besides the fact that few outside of the Beltway believe that that will ever happen, the concept of border security took a major hit when the Bush Justice department persecuted two border patrol agents for doing their jobs in trying to stop an illegal immigrant who was bringing illegal drugs over the border. This double illegal testified against these two agents at their trial. Both agents are now doing time in jail for doing their jobs. The double illegal is free to continue his illicit trade. When President Bush, at the heated urging of Senators and Congressmen, pardons these brave men so they can go home to their families, I will reconsider the stated dedication of many in DC to enhancing border security as being something more that a red-meat, rhetorical distraction.

It was disappointing that, in four pages, you never mentioned the impact of illegal immigration on ordinary Americans, some of them your constituents. Illegal immigrants (and H-1B recipients) depress wages by taking jobs for less pay than Americans need to survive on, overload the health care system, a number of them of them have raped and murdered Americans (we have enough of that type of scum here already, thank you), and the leaders of this invasion, such as the head of LaRaza have no qualms about calling your fellow Americans racists for wanting to protect our own soil. You and other leaders should be distancing yourselves from such hurtful nonsense, not embracing the beliefs of those who spout it.

If Washington were serious about ending illegal immigration and sending those who are here illegally home, the solution is simple. Pass a bill that Increases fines on businesses who hire illegals to such a high level that businesses caught hiring illegals will be in danger of shutting down due to the cost of the fines. Or maybe confiscate those businesses as the government does to those involved in illegal drugs. With no jobs available, the illegals will deport themselves. Of course, they may petition Washington for more handouts, but I doubt they would get them. Right?

I urge you to reconsider your position in support of illegal immigrants. Please work to make life better for your constituents by decreasing, or ending, competition for American jobs by foreigners.

Thank you.


Dave Buhlman, Former NH State Rep, Hills 27

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