By Ron Dupuis
“Did you see that” I was asked?
“That airplane”, “Yes” I responded.
“That was no ordinary airplane” the speaker proclaimed excitedly.
“It was so low I could see the surveillance equipment on it.”
The event was promoted as a rally/barbeque in support of convicted tax evaders Ed and Elaine Brown of Plainfield, New Hampshire.
“You know they were taking pictures of us?”
“Yes, probably so” I responded somewhat indifferently.
“That plane was so low, about 500 feet and they want to see how many of us here are armed before they come in.” “Did you see all the surveillance equipment in the windows?” “Most likely military reconnaissance” my excited friend declared.
Its funny how two people, who observe the same incident, can draw such opposite conclusions? The plane was a small passenger jet making an approach to Lebanon airport a dozen or so miles away. As a former pilot I knew it was flying at about fifteen hundred feet, not five hundred as my friend exclaimed. Not an unusual altitude for an approach to a landing. I realize my eyesight may not be as good as my much younger, observant, current barbeque companion; however, the only surveillance from this particular aircraft might have been from a “Kodak moment” taken by the co-pilot.
”Let me get you a cold drink” I said as I walked away.
Throughout the day there were perhaps 250 to 300 people who visited the Browns home that day. They came from as far away as Montana, Chicago, Florida, and Texas. Many of them armed. There were people who detested the I.R.S. There were people who despised the Federal Reserve. There were people who hated politicians, judges, lawyers, police, and most of corporate America. There was even one individual from Rhode Island who hated women and blamed them for all the current world problems.
“The male of the species, in fact the male of all species, by nature and the natural order of the universe, are meant to be the providers, the hunters, and the protectors.” “It is only in the human race where the female gender has feminized the male so intently by taking away these responsibilities in both the family unit and the corporate world, have problems erupted.” “Women now control everything”, my misguided misogynic friend continued. “The family as a unit, the political world, the corporate world, and the economy.”
As scary as that particular individual was, he was far from the most troubling aspect of the attitude that this diverse group held. The common thread of all the I.R.S., Federal Reserve, politician, judges and corporate America haters, was their hatred of Jews. I’m not talking a few, I’m saying that 95% of the people I spoke with that day, and during my three other visits, blamed Jews for everything. Of course in order for them to be an equal opportunity bigot, they throw in the Freemasons.
“Centuries ago the Zionist were responsible for forming the secret society of Freemasonry” was one comment made by a principle of this event. “Today they are involved in a secret plan to form a new world order that will eventually enslave us all.” Not surprisingly this person finished with “An armed revolution is coming and we are prepared.” “Let in begin here in Plainfield, New Hampshire.”
In my humble opinion Ed Brown and his followers are using their argument with the I.R.S. as a means to promote some sort of future uprising. Their pretext is the protection of the Constitution of the United States. What they won’t tell you is that it is their interpretation, and only their interpretation, that is accepted too protect.
Not much good can come from the Browns armed holdout at their home. I can only hope the hateful rhetoric stops, the paranoia diminishes, and a peaceful solution is agreed to by both sides. Otherwise someone is going to get seriously hurt.
Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His blog may be viewed at His e-mail is
Puppets in the Pulpits
By Dave Buhlman
A key factor in stirring up the people and winning the Revolutionary War was that pastors were screaming from the pulpits with lists of offenses and usurpations by King George of England and his boot-licking Parliament. These were men - good Protestant men - who feared nothing on Earth, but shuddered before and deeply believed-in Power of Heaven. So passe today.
These days pastors and priests present pabulum from the pulpit, some vague form of loving and giving, much like the hippies of the 1960s. The Gospel is read and a brief sermon given, but nothing is mentioned about the 800 million pound gorilla in the country, the federal government. The main reason for this is that the vast majority of the churches are incorporated entities under the control of the IRS through Section 501 (c) (3) which covers charitable institutions such as churches. If they run afoul of the IRS limits on free speech that attach to their tax exempt status, the IRS threatens them with removing that status and laying a tax on them like they do everything else, except what the elite tell them not to bother with. "The power to tax is the power to destroy" stated a famous US Supreme Court case (McCullough v. Maryland, 1819). But now the power Congress has given the IRS to grant tax-exempt status is the power to control, which is destroying the Church's mission to be militant on earth against the powers of darkness.
They are all for illegal immigration, a traitorous notion, and one which deeply hurts the financial well being of those now in their pews, especially lower middle class earners. The federal government passes the Patriot Act, and other decrees inimical to our constitutional rights, and the churches welcome many of the perpetrators to speak to the larger flocks. Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania remarked that the president and Congress, in suspending the sacred right of habeas corpus, knocked out a right that dates back to the Magna Carta of 1285, over seven centuries ago. Ah well, hard come, easy go with Bush and the boys in DC. Pastors and priests are well educated people who know history, who know where such power grabs lead, who know what the silence of the churches helped wrought in Germany in the 1930s. Yet still, not a whimper.
When the history of this dangerous era is written, the blame for allowing a police state to take hold will lie about 70 percent with the churches, with the rest of the honor going to the "journalists."
Then there's most upper-regular folks, checking their 401 (k) statements, counting their electronic money in 14,000 increments, forgetting about the 8 trillion that was sucked out of the market only six years ago, and partying like it's 1929.
A key factor in stirring up the people and winning the Revolutionary War was that pastors were screaming from the pulpits with lists of offenses and usurpations by King George of England and his boot-licking Parliament. These were men - good Protestant men - who feared nothing on Earth, but shuddered before and deeply believed-in Power of Heaven. So passe today.
These days pastors and priests present pabulum from the pulpit, some vague form of loving and giving, much like the hippies of the 1960s. The Gospel is read and a brief sermon given, but nothing is mentioned about the 800 million pound gorilla in the country, the federal government. The main reason for this is that the vast majority of the churches are incorporated entities under the control of the IRS through Section 501 (c) (3) which covers charitable institutions such as churches. If they run afoul of the IRS limits on free speech that attach to their tax exempt status, the IRS threatens them with removing that status and laying a tax on them like they do everything else, except what the elite tell them not to bother with. "The power to tax is the power to destroy" stated a famous US Supreme Court case (McCullough v. Maryland, 1819). But now the power Congress has given the IRS to grant tax-exempt status is the power to control, which is destroying the Church's mission to be militant on earth against the powers of darkness.
They are all for illegal immigration, a traitorous notion, and one which deeply hurts the financial well being of those now in their pews, especially lower middle class earners. The federal government passes the Patriot Act, and other decrees inimical to our constitutional rights, and the churches welcome many of the perpetrators to speak to the larger flocks. Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania remarked that the president and Congress, in suspending the sacred right of habeas corpus, knocked out a right that dates back to the Magna Carta of 1285, over seven centuries ago. Ah well, hard come, easy go with Bush and the boys in DC. Pastors and priests are well educated people who know history, who know where such power grabs lead, who know what the silence of the churches helped wrought in Germany in the 1930s. Yet still, not a whimper.
When the history of this dangerous era is written, the blame for allowing a police state to take hold will lie about 70 percent with the churches, with the rest of the honor going to the "journalists."
Then there's most upper-regular folks, checking their 401 (k) statements, counting their electronic money in 14,000 increments, forgetting about the 8 trillion that was sucked out of the market only six years ago, and partying like it's 1929.
Burgers with the Browns

By Ron Dupuis
Their eyes glanced toward each other from time to time in playful exuberance as if to say “no matter what I’m speaking about , or to whom, I’m thinking of you.” There was what I can only assume to be affectionate “pet faces” that made the other burst out laughing in mid-sentence or thought. Then an elvish “I’m going to sit on your lap and hug you until you tell me you love me” prank that almost resulted in a chair collapsing.
Are you guessing Nancy and Ron Reagan?
Perhaps Ozzie and Harriett?
Even Romeo and Juliet?
Wrong!! On all three counts, and any others you can think of.
The subjects in discussion are Ed and Elaine Brown of Plainfield New Hampshire. For those of you un-familiar with the Browns, they are the couple sentenced to five years in prison by a Federal judge last April and are currently armed and hold up in their 110 acre property in Northern New Hampshire.
There were many reasons for my visit. One of those reasons was to put a human face on these people, born of my generation and working class, but now, in a best case scenario, faced with extended jail time, and in the worst, a violent death. Ed Brown has stated many times that he will die rather than spend one day in jail for standing up to an unjust government. The silver, clip fed automatic gun he has tucked in his waistband, or the rifle leaning against the wall beside him gives me reason to take him very seriously.
My visit was not planned. I made the two hour drive with no expectations. It was just a columnist curiosity. While standing at the driveway entrance thinking I was alone, a car appeared from what seemed out of nowhere.
“May I help you” was the question from the driver? To me the meaning was more like who are you and what are you doing here. After what seemed and eternity of convincing him that I was not a Federal agent, and not armed but merely a stuttering, nervous, fledging writer looking for a story, I was asked “Would you like to meet them?”
The meeting took place on the front porch of their home. We sat in chairs and discussed everything from politics to religion. Except when Ed was discussing their current situation, he was both friendly and a little humorous. With a twinkle in his eye, and after I informed him how nervous I was, he lit a pack of fire crackers while I wasn’t looking and threw them into the front yard. After I came out from under my chair we all had a good laugh.
“Are you hungry” as a plate of hamburger patties was brought from the house?
The next forty five minutes was spent like any other gathering of friends on a Sunday afternoon with burgers and chips and memories of growing up. I learned that the Browns met when Elaine hired Ed to work on a building when he was an exterminator twenty two years ago and that they have been together ever since. I learned that Elaine was born in Rhode Island and was educated at Tufts as a dentist and that Ed was born in Boston’s south end and considers life experience his primary education. I finally learned that these two people seem more in love today then they ever could have been twenty two years ago.
In My Humble Opinion I have no idea what the final outcome of this situation is going to be. Elaine Brown feels that the government agents will not come in to arrest or forcibly take them away. That somehow an alternative solution will be found. Conversely Ed Brown feels that they will come using force and states that if the shooting starts he will “take a couple with him” before he dies. On that Sunday afternoon the Browns were just a hospitable couple sharing there food with friends, supporters and one extremely nervous, sometimes stuttering columnist.
Watch for my next column titled “Me, Randy Weaver, and a pack of cigarettes!
Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His column appears every other Friday in The Hampton Union His e-mail is His web site may be viewed at
A Well-adjusted Family???
By Ron Dupuis
I recently spoke with some old friends who are the parents of four girls. After all the mandatory pleasantries were exchanged, “it’s been too long” and “we should get together”, the conversation turned to their girls.
“How are they doing” I asked?
“Excellent, good, just OK, and driving us to drink” Mom responded with resolve. I noticed Dad’s shoulders slump a little as he sank somewhat lower in his seat.
Mom continued; “Despite doing excellent academically and being a normal, healthy child, last year my eight year old chastised me for feeding her too much sugar.”
“The teacher said that collectively we are too fat and that you should watch what you feed me” the child declared. The child then asked me “Mom, what does “collectively” mean?”
“What did you do” I asked?
“I did what every concerned parent would do” Mom responded.
“I re-assessed my shopping habits, I re-assessed my cooking habits, and I re-assessed what I send her for snack time”, spoken in what seemed one frustrating breath. “Of course every Monday morning I send her in with a couple of Hostess Twinkies just to let the teachers and school know that I’m still in charge of what my children can or cannot eat.”
“Good for you” I said.
Knowing that “Dad” had some sort of special affinity for his two middle offspring, I pretty much directed my next question to him. “How about the twins, how are they doing?”
“Their doing good in regular school studies and just OK in others” was Dads response.
“What do you mean”? “What’s the problem?”
“The problem is that, I swear, they are geniuses.” “I’ll bet you my life savings, all $418, that as adults, my twins will give Bill Gates a run for his money.”
“And the problem IS…”, I questioned?
“The problem is that all their computer knowledge is received either here at home or at the special courses my wife and I have to pay for.” “We realized early on that they had a special gift when it came to computers, but the schools lab is not only out dated, it’s down right archaic.”
I knew of at least three other schools in the particular town this family lived in and asked if there may be a solution there.
“In this district they’re all in the same shape.”
He then informed me that there were two choices he and his wife could make. The first would be to pay tuition in order to send the twins to an out of district public school that would enhance the girls ability to exceed in their special skill, or form a group of citizens that will lobby the Legislature for some sort of statewide bill that would allow parents in this particular situation open enrolment in any public school they desire. Knowing the particular Legislators in that town, my response was “Good luck with that endeavor.”
Hoping to move on, I decided to ask about the oldest child of this particular clan.
“How’s Kerry” I asked?
“How’s Kerry” Dad quipped. “How’s Kerry” he said again. “I’ll tell you how Kerry is” “See this very grey thinning hair, that’s how Kerry is.” “See these bags under my eyes”, “that’s how Kerry is.”
As Dad sat back in his chair and rolled his eyes, Mom took over the conversation.
“Kerry’s doing very well thank you.” “She’s healthy, bright, articulate, and committed to furthering her education.” I was then informed that she would be entering UNH in the fall and planned on being a political science major.
“Yeah, healthy, bright, articulate, committed, and on the pill” Dad said with another eye roll.
“Don’t be so provincial” Mom chimed in while patting Dad on his knee. “Kerry is eighteen years old, and level headed enough to have made the right decision.” “Don’t worry about her.”
Dad looked away, pensively thought for a few moments and then spoke.
“Look, I worry about all my children. I’m their Dad. It’s my job. I don’t want my oldest going to college. Sure I want her to further her education, but can’t it be done in one of those all girl convents where they wear 19th century jumpers from their neck to their ankles? I don’t want the twins visiting abortion centers like those kids in Manchester. I want them to visit museums and science centers then maybe an ice cream parlor for refreshments. And finally, I don’t want to raise any of my children on a steady diet of watercress and bean sprouts. I want to be treated as if I had enough intelligence to give them a healthy, nourishing meal that will foster growth and enable them to thrive both physically and mentally. I realize that I’m a dinosaur by today’s mores, however that’s the way it is. Now excuse me while I go pick up a double cheeseburger with beacon and some trans-fatty fries for my dinner tonight.”
The drive home took about forty five minutes. It was during that time I realized I had been with one of the most well adjusted families in America today.
Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His e-mail is His web site may be viewed at
I recently spoke with some old friends who are the parents of four girls. After all the mandatory pleasantries were exchanged, “it’s been too long” and “we should get together”, the conversation turned to their girls.
“How are they doing” I asked?
“Excellent, good, just OK, and driving us to drink” Mom responded with resolve. I noticed Dad’s shoulders slump a little as he sank somewhat lower in his seat.
Mom continued; “Despite doing excellent academically and being a normal, healthy child, last year my eight year old chastised me for feeding her too much sugar.”
“The teacher said that collectively we are too fat and that you should watch what you feed me” the child declared. The child then asked me “Mom, what does “collectively” mean?”
“What did you do” I asked?
“I did what every concerned parent would do” Mom responded.
“I re-assessed my shopping habits, I re-assessed my cooking habits, and I re-assessed what I send her for snack time”, spoken in what seemed one frustrating breath. “Of course every Monday morning I send her in with a couple of Hostess Twinkies just to let the teachers and school know that I’m still in charge of what my children can or cannot eat.”
“Good for you” I said.
Knowing that “Dad” had some sort of special affinity for his two middle offspring, I pretty much directed my next question to him. “How about the twins, how are they doing?”
“Their doing good in regular school studies and just OK in others” was Dads response.
“What do you mean”? “What’s the problem?”
“The problem is that, I swear, they are geniuses.” “I’ll bet you my life savings, all $418, that as adults, my twins will give Bill Gates a run for his money.”
“And the problem IS…”, I questioned?
“The problem is that all their computer knowledge is received either here at home or at the special courses my wife and I have to pay for.” “We realized early on that they had a special gift when it came to computers, but the schools lab is not only out dated, it’s down right archaic.”
I knew of at least three other schools in the particular town this family lived in and asked if there may be a solution there.
“In this district they’re all in the same shape.”
He then informed me that there were two choices he and his wife could make. The first would be to pay tuition in order to send the twins to an out of district public school that would enhance the girls ability to exceed in their special skill, or form a group of citizens that will lobby the Legislature for some sort of statewide bill that would allow parents in this particular situation open enrolment in any public school they desire. Knowing the particular Legislators in that town, my response was “Good luck with that endeavor.”
Hoping to move on, I decided to ask about the oldest child of this particular clan.
“How’s Kerry” I asked?
“How’s Kerry” Dad quipped. “How’s Kerry” he said again. “I’ll tell you how Kerry is” “See this very grey thinning hair, that’s how Kerry is.” “See these bags under my eyes”, “that’s how Kerry is.”
As Dad sat back in his chair and rolled his eyes, Mom took over the conversation.
“Kerry’s doing very well thank you.” “She’s healthy, bright, articulate, and committed to furthering her education.” I was then informed that she would be entering UNH in the fall and planned on being a political science major.
“Yeah, healthy, bright, articulate, committed, and on the pill” Dad said with another eye roll.
“Don’t be so provincial” Mom chimed in while patting Dad on his knee. “Kerry is eighteen years old, and level headed enough to have made the right decision.” “Don’t worry about her.”
Dad looked away, pensively thought for a few moments and then spoke.
“Look, I worry about all my children. I’m their Dad. It’s my job. I don’t want my oldest going to college. Sure I want her to further her education, but can’t it be done in one of those all girl convents where they wear 19th century jumpers from their neck to their ankles? I don’t want the twins visiting abortion centers like those kids in Manchester. I want them to visit museums and science centers then maybe an ice cream parlor for refreshments. And finally, I don’t want to raise any of my children on a steady diet of watercress and bean sprouts. I want to be treated as if I had enough intelligence to give them a healthy, nourishing meal that will foster growth and enable them to thrive both physically and mentally. I realize that I’m a dinosaur by today’s mores, however that’s the way it is. Now excuse me while I go pick up a double cheeseburger with beacon and some trans-fatty fries for my dinner tonight.”
The drive home took about forty five minutes. It was during that time I realized I had been with one of the most well adjusted families in America today.
Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His e-mail is His web site may be viewed at
By Dave Buhlman
Dear Senator Gregg:
Thank you for your four page letter describing your support for the illegal immigration bill that was effectively killed in the Senate last week. It's clear that you gave deep consideration to this issue, and I, as one of your constituents, appreciate that. However, there are several angles on the issue that you did not address.
First, you stated that Mexicans come here for jobs that pay fifty dollars per day instead of the paltry five dollars per day similar jobs pay in Mexico. The problem with that position is that it enables and supports the dreadful oligarchy that has ruled Mexico for far too long. Let those Mexicans who have the spunk to cross the border to break our laws stay in their homeland to put pressure for change in that country. We should not accept the deep corruption in the government at our southern border to be immutable and unchangeable. In fact, we should be helping those Mexicans who want change down there to effect that change. It does no good if they are allowed to come here to avoid the pain dosed out by their corrupt government. That's like telling the active alcoholic to just drink beer - and no hard stuff. It doesn't work, and the problems continue to get worse.
Second, you seem to think that there are not enough Americans to fill the jobs here. I suggest that there are plenty of Americans available to fill the jobs here (despite over 46 million abortions), but at decent wages, not those paid mainly under the table to desperate illegal immigrants. The truth of this was borne out in the recent ICE (formerly INS) raid on the Swift meat packing company. The day after the raid, Americans lined up at the plant to get their old jobs back, the ones that were lost to illegal immigrants via a greedy employer. Illegal immigrants taking these types of jobs from Americans, combined with Congress allowing HB-1 visas that encourage foreigners to fill white collar jobs, is croaking the middle and lower middle classes in this country. Let's end this abuse of our citizens, not encourage more of it.
Third, the immigration bill under recent consideration in the Senate had, as one of its premises, the bizarre notion that those who broke our laws in the first place will dutifully and faithfully follow very complicated new rules to make their situations right. That's downright silly. They will find ways around any new rules Congress makes up, just like big business always does in this country.
Your letter also talked about increased border security. Besides the fact that few outside of the Beltway believe that that will ever happen, the concept of border security took a major hit when the Bush Justice department persecuted two border patrol agents for doing their jobs in trying to stop an illegal immigrant who was bringing illegal drugs over the border. This double illegal testified against these two agents at their trial. Both agents are now doing time in jail for doing their jobs. The double illegal is free to continue his illicit trade. When President Bush, at the heated urging of Senators and Congressmen, pardons these brave men so they can go home to their families, I will reconsider the stated dedication of many in DC to enhancing border security as being something more that a red-meat, rhetorical distraction.
It was disappointing that, in four pages, you never mentioned the impact of illegal immigration on ordinary Americans, some of them your constituents. Illegal immigrants (and H-1B recipients) depress wages by taking jobs for less pay than Americans need to survive on, overload the health care system, a number of them of them have raped and murdered Americans (we have enough of that type of scum here already, thank you), and the leaders of this invasion, such as the head of LaRaza have no qualms about calling your fellow Americans racists for wanting to protect our own soil. You and other leaders should be distancing yourselves from such hurtful nonsense, not embracing the beliefs of those who spout it.
If Washington were serious about ending illegal immigration and sending those who are here illegally home, the solution is simple. Pass a bill that Increases fines on businesses who hire illegals to such a high level that businesses caught hiring illegals will be in danger of shutting down due to the cost of the fines. Or maybe confiscate those businesses as the government does to those involved in illegal drugs. With no jobs available, the illegals will deport themselves. Of course, they may petition Washington for more handouts, but I doubt they would get them. Right?
I urge you to reconsider your position in support of illegal immigrants. Please work to make life better for your constituents by decreasing, or ending, competition for American jobs by foreigners.
Thank you.
Dave Buhlman, Former NH State Rep, Hills 27
Dear Senator Gregg:
Thank you for your four page letter describing your support for the illegal immigration bill that was effectively killed in the Senate last week. It's clear that you gave deep consideration to this issue, and I, as one of your constituents, appreciate that. However, there are several angles on the issue that you did not address.
First, you stated that Mexicans come here for jobs that pay fifty dollars per day instead of the paltry five dollars per day similar jobs pay in Mexico. The problem with that position is that it enables and supports the dreadful oligarchy that has ruled Mexico for far too long. Let those Mexicans who have the spunk to cross the border to break our laws stay in their homeland to put pressure for change in that country. We should not accept the deep corruption in the government at our southern border to be immutable and unchangeable. In fact, we should be helping those Mexicans who want change down there to effect that change. It does no good if they are allowed to come here to avoid the pain dosed out by their corrupt government. That's like telling the active alcoholic to just drink beer - and no hard stuff. It doesn't work, and the problems continue to get worse.
Second, you seem to think that there are not enough Americans to fill the jobs here. I suggest that there are plenty of Americans available to fill the jobs here (despite over 46 million abortions), but at decent wages, not those paid mainly under the table to desperate illegal immigrants. The truth of this was borne out in the recent ICE (formerly INS) raid on the Swift meat packing company. The day after the raid, Americans lined up at the plant to get their old jobs back, the ones that were lost to illegal immigrants via a greedy employer. Illegal immigrants taking these types of jobs from Americans, combined with Congress allowing HB-1 visas that encourage foreigners to fill white collar jobs, is croaking the middle and lower middle classes in this country. Let's end this abuse of our citizens, not encourage more of it.
Third, the immigration bill under recent consideration in the Senate had, as one of its premises, the bizarre notion that those who broke our laws in the first place will dutifully and faithfully follow very complicated new rules to make their situations right. That's downright silly. They will find ways around any new rules Congress makes up, just like big business always does in this country.
Your letter also talked about increased border security. Besides the fact that few outside of the Beltway believe that that will ever happen, the concept of border security took a major hit when the Bush Justice department persecuted two border patrol agents for doing their jobs in trying to stop an illegal immigrant who was bringing illegal drugs over the border. This double illegal testified against these two agents at their trial. Both agents are now doing time in jail for doing their jobs. The double illegal is free to continue his illicit trade. When President Bush, at the heated urging of Senators and Congressmen, pardons these brave men so they can go home to their families, I will reconsider the stated dedication of many in DC to enhancing border security as being something more that a red-meat, rhetorical distraction.
It was disappointing that, in four pages, you never mentioned the impact of illegal immigration on ordinary Americans, some of them your constituents. Illegal immigrants (and H-1B recipients) depress wages by taking jobs for less pay than Americans need to survive on, overload the health care system, a number of them of them have raped and murdered Americans (we have enough of that type of scum here already, thank you), and the leaders of this invasion, such as the head of LaRaza have no qualms about calling your fellow Americans racists for wanting to protect our own soil. You and other leaders should be distancing yourselves from such hurtful nonsense, not embracing the beliefs of those who spout it.
If Washington were serious about ending illegal immigration and sending those who are here illegally home, the solution is simple. Pass a bill that Increases fines on businesses who hire illegals to such a high level that businesses caught hiring illegals will be in danger of shutting down due to the cost of the fines. Or maybe confiscate those businesses as the government does to those involved in illegal drugs. With no jobs available, the illegals will deport themselves. Of course, they may petition Washington for more handouts, but I doubt they would get them. Right?
I urge you to reconsider your position in support of illegal immigrants. Please work to make life better for your constituents by decreasing, or ending, competition for American jobs by foreigners.
Thank you.
Dave Buhlman, Former NH State Rep, Hills 27
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