
Over The Rainbow

By Dave Buhlman

Cindy Sheehan was the face of the antiwar movement for a couple of years. Oh, how the democrats swooned in her presence, especially after she bought the land near President Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas. The left loved it so when Sheehan challenged President Bush to come out to talk about the war. Sheehan lost a son to the empire-building war in Iraq, so she certainly had some standing to be out front on this.

But then something funny happened.

Cindy Sheehan came to realize that she had become what Lenin called a "useful idiot" for the leaders of the left. What woke Sheehan up is the fact that the democrats had not done much of anything about the war, or much of anything else, since they took charge in Washington a few months ago. Sheehan was probably expecting a bill of impeachment of Bush and Cheney to be introduced by the democrats, as she had often heard down Crawford way was critical to save "our democracy." When Sheehan began to question the democrats' dedication, it was bye-bye Cindy. The democrats will not impeach Bush or anyone else because they know that they are as much at fault for the fiasco in Iraq as the republicans are. Two wings of the same bird of prey, as Pat Buchanan calls our "two" party system. Sheehan learned the truth of Buchanan's insight and is now home licking her wounds. May she wake up completely and join the effort to save, not "our democracy," but our Republic.


President Bush has gone so far over the edge in his support of amnesty for illegal immigrants that his biggest supporter is the socialist from Massachusetts (please pardon the redundancy), Senator Ted Kennedy. Bush is trying to create the North American Union, the merger of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, and assure a steady supply of cheap labor for his big biz buds, but it's more difficult to determine what's driving big Ted on this issue. Maybe it's just that he does not care one whit about his regular guy and gal constituents, like President Bush, and he will sacrifice their needs to appeal to the liberal god of diversity.


After sneak signing the civil union bill, it will be interesting to see how far down Governor Lynch's favorability numbers slip. In his first term, he didn't do much that attached to him, but now he's in the full flower of democratic fervor with a budget exceeding $10 billion, a number of new taxes and fees, the smoking ban, and an environmental bill that could cause some people to have to get a permit to rake leaves on their property. Lynch has now been outed. Based on this, as the leader of the democratic revolution in this state, he can say good-bye to his planned challenge of Senator Sununu. Watch out for an income tax and severe curtailment of gun rights in the second year of the democratic regime in Concord.

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