
Some Thoughts On...

---By Ron Dupuis

…How we treat prisoners; The American Civil Liberties Union complains that the prisoners incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay are not only held illegally, they are mistreated to the extent the goes beyond “cruel and unusual”. If civil liberties are some sort of divine right and not instead something we as Americans fought for, I’m sure the A.C.L.U. will jump all over Al-Quada for the brutal way they treated the two brave, young American prisoners last week.

…Illegal Immigration; There are times when a compromise is necessary. Many conservatives feel that the only way to solve the illegal alien situation in this country is to send all 11 million back to where they came from. Tempting, to be sure, but not very practical.

I wish our elected Representatives in Washington would consider the “In My Humble Opinion” solution.
First, and most importantly, close the borders. You cannot resolve the illegals problem with four or five hundred a day sneaking across in order to plunder our liberal social programs designed to help the needs of our own citizens.
Next, require every illegal alien living in the United States to register with the government. They will be allowed to continue living peacefully and un-bothered in order to get their affairs in order, as long as they are model citizens, pay their taxes, and not arrested for any crimes. However, and this is a big however; they will be required, within six years, to return to their country of origin and apply for re-entry. Aliens who complete this requirement the first year will be at the top of the list for entry. Second year applicants will be placed further down the list, so forth and so on. The number of aliens applying legally will always have priority.

No one has a better understanding of the immigration problem facing this country then syndicated columnist Phyllis Schafly. Please read her thoughts on the 14th amendment and encourage your congressman to take the appropriate action.

Click hereto review “American Citizenship is Precious.”

…Weapons of mass destruction: “Bush lied, people died” We’ve been listening to this propaganda for at least three years from the obstructionist left wing of the Democratic party. Now the WMD’s have been found, no one wants to talk about it.
The truth of the matter is that Saddam “Insane” did have stockpiles of lethal gasses that he used on his own people and was capable of probably getting ready to us them on Americans.

The truth of the matter is that there was an Iraq/Al-Quada connection before the war. And the truth of the matter is that Democrats will say anything, even lie, in order to advance their cause in regaining political power.

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