

I recently embarked on a fact finding mission to Vermont. I wanted to learn for myself if the state is as liberal as the rest of the country feels it is. I spoke with a cross section of citizens. Subjects, ranged from the Burlington judge who suspended a child molester’s sentence, to the town of Killington’s attempt to succeed from the state. Also, I couldn’t resist asking about my favorite Vermonter, “screaming” Howard Dean.

A retired school teacher's view on Judge Cashman; “He said he no longer believes in “punishment”, but feels instead “rehabilitation” should be the road traveled... Since a lot of people in the state seem to disagree, and since Judges are elected and re-appointed by the Legislature every few years, Cashman will simply no be re-affirmed and fade into retirement.”

A Killington shop owner's view on the town's attempt to succeed and become part of New Hampshire; “This is an attempt to bring Killington’s perceived tax problems to the attention of the Legislature.” “That’s all and nothing more.” “It will never happen.”

A Rutland waitress on Howard Dean; “ He was a little more moderate when he was Governor.” “I don’t understand why, but he seems to have moved further to the left since his run for the presidency.”

I realize these are not very enlightening statements, however, Vermonters are reluctant to speak about politics to outsiders by nature. Given the fact that it had been raining all week shutting down the ski slopes didn’t help my cause. Everyone was in a bad mood.

There is a New York Times story posted on Drudge that says with the mid term elections coming up Democrats are worried that they are “failing to exploit GOP troubles.” Both far left Senators “Bluto and Otter” (Kennedy and Kerry) along with former Vice President AlGore, Senators Reid and Boxer, all feel that the time is ripe to find their collective voices and take back the House and Senate this year.

The problem, In My Humble Opinion, is that the Democrats have not only no message, no solutions, no credible leaders, but are also so far to the left of any semblance of mainstream America that they will probably loose a few more seats in November.

While writing this my T.V. is on and I’m watching a bunch of radical Muslims riot because of a cartoon. People are being killed. I hope there isn’t anyone left in the world who feels we should just standby and allow Iran, or any other Muslim controlled nation, to become a nuclear power.

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