

---By Ron Dupuis

In My Humble Opinion here is what’s going to happen in Palestine. Hamas will disassociate itself with terrorism and form a new government. The terrorist army it was born of will lay down its weapons, briefly. When U.S. foreign aid to the tune of 250 million continues to flow into their coffers, a new organization called SHAMAS, or FAMAS, or JAMAS, will suddenly emerge claiming to be an independent group. Their sole purpose will be the total destruction of Israel. Kind of like the I.R.A. with Keffiyeh’s on their heads. Has anyone seen Gerry Adams lately?

Reports are being generated from our southern border that Mexican military are assisting illegals AND drug smuggler by crossing into Texas and Arizona. This has happen once before in our history. It was resolved by President Wilson who abandoned his program of “watchful waiting” and sent Gen. “Black Jack” Pershing and our own military force to protect our citizens. I'm sure we can find another "Black" Jack Pershing among our General staff, the problem is finding another Commander in Chief with the courage of Wilson.

NAACP Chairman and civil rights activist “Judas” Bond, er.. I mean Julian Bond, in a speech at Fayetteville State University, referred to the Republican Party as Nazi’s. Mr. Bond is an intelligent, well educated man and I’m sure he is aware that is was a Republican, Lincoln, who pushed and signed the Emancipation Proclamation, it was a Republican, Sen. Everett Dirkson who is credited with getting the civil rights act through Congress and signed into Law, and most importantly, it was a registered Republican, Martin Luther King, who was the driving force behind the civil rights movement of the sixties.
In fact, the more I read of Bonds hateful, virulent anti Republican speech, the more I am reminded of another lying, manipulative orator; Joseph Goebbels.
Who’s the Nazi now?

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