In today's New York Times, is an article about people objecting to an editorial cartoon run in the New York Post. It shows two cops and a chimp shot dead (a reference to the crazed pet incident in Connecticut recently). One cop says to the other, "They'll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill."

What? In the first place, Obama did not write the current stimulus bill. It was a joint effort of both the House and the Senate. Obama does not rule in the manner of a Persian king. (though some seem to think he should, or does). Clearly, the cartoon suggests that the current bill was no smarter a move than a chimp might come up with. There is no Obama in any of it.
In the second place, where was Al Sharpton for the last eight years when George W. Bush was being portrayed as a chimp? That has happened scores of times over the past eight years.

No. There were none. What we have now, however, is the dark flip side of what the Dems lamented about (loudly) during the campaign -- that people would play "the race card" against Obama. Why bother? The Dems themselves were playing frequently, and as this latest flap shows, they're quite content to KEEP on playing it -- even if it's not there.
Get over it, Sharpton, et al. If any criticism of Obama is automatically a racial slur, then you've painted yourselves into a corner. Obama has no other quality besides the color of his skin. How much more racist can one get?
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