
Hypocrisy and Inconsistency

--- by Dave Buhlman

The actor, Matt Damon, is a major Hollywood lefty who has taken the leap of faith required to believe in the farce of global warming, but is he at all concerned about the so-called carbon footprint created by the making of his movies?

With global warming proven to be a farce, why were US Senators of both parties fawning all over Al Goracle when he appeared before them? With this inability on the part of the members of the "greatest deliberative body in the world" to distinguish reality, will there soon be a horse brought in as a senator, as was done in the Roman senate in the old, old days? The Goracle was sweating a lot in front of the Senate panel, maybe as a device to make his point. Or maybe because he is personally suffering the effects of internal warming brought on by some mighty good eating.

Will Governor Lynch and the others in the State House who supported the vote for mandating kindergarten be indicted for knowingly violating Section 28-A of the state Constitution? 28-A prohibits the state from mandates that the state does not pay for, as with the kindergarten vote. At least one town has had to sue over this, and kindergarten may be voted down in the affected municipalities, but that does not change the clear intent to violate on the part of politicians. If it did, then a bank robber who was foiled during the commission of the crime can also get off the hook because the violation of the law was not completed. Doubt that ever happens.

President Obama/Pelosi tried to slip in a few hundred million (more) for Planned Parenthood in the "stimulus" package currently in the Senate, but it was found out, and that provision taken out, much to the consternation of the pro-abortion supporters. How would this group have reacted if President Bush had tried to slip in a few hundred million for the organizations that work with women in need who choose to have their babies?

The financial institutions who got billions in handouts by using the technique known as "robbery using Congress" handed out bonuses to favored Xecs while firing thousands of regular workers. Do they have any shame while driving their BMWs to their boat slips at the marina, or latching on skis in Vail? Or are they on the same level as Illinois politicians.

Kids in the government school system are told not to smoke because it's bad for them and could reduce their life spans by five to ten years. Yet they are indoctrinated in the same government classrooms in the belief that homosexuality is as good, if not better, than heterosexuality, despite the fact that the life span for homosexuals is reduced by fifteen to twenty years due to the unpleasant physical impacts of their sexual practices.

The elite claimed that free trade, as required by the NAFTA and GATT treaties, would be a great benefit to American workers. Due in large part to these unfair treaties, American workers are having to rush to the unemployment lines, which will only get worse when these same members of the monied nobility put out the welcome mat for new hoards of Mexicans and others. Viva Obama! Viva Kennedy! Viva McCain! Viva Bush! Viva America?

In DC these days they all say they want to help Main Street, aka, the middle class. If so, as part of the bank/financial institution giveaway in December they could have required the banksters to reduce the loan-shark level interest rates on credit cards and personal loans, and had them give a little leeway (say five days, instead of the current twenty seconds) before whacking on the late fees. They also could have stopped the practice of increasing interest rates and reducing credit lines for those who shop at places like Walmart. Guess there's no Walmart's anywhere near Park Avenue or Wall Street, so nothing for the sharks to worry about.

Dave Buhlman is a former NH State Representative.

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