
What about Juan; what about O?

---by Dave Buhlman

In recent news it was announced that the Mexican government will bestow the highest honor it has available to honor foreign dignitaries, on Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. They are pleased with his support of the millions of illegal immigrants Mexico has foisted on America. They are very pleased that Kennedy thinks the US taxpayers should shoulder the burdens created by these poor souls, instead of the Mexican government. I wonder if the federal government will be looking into indicting Kennedy as an accessory after the fact of millions of crimes, and maybe even for some form of subversion, or even treason. Probably not.

Another painful aspect of this "honor" is that the Mexican government is not recognizing Kennedy's main partner in crime, the cosponsor of the bill to grant citizenship to illegal immigrants, that good Republican, Senator John (Juan) McCain of Atzlan, er... I mean, Arizona. McCain should be incensed at this slight by the Mexican government, but he probably understands why he isn't getting his. After all, the Mexican government does not want to foul up the campaign for president of one of its boon amigos. Senator Obama, with his undying support for maximizing illegal immigration, is in line for similar honors, but he likely understands the slight against him by the Mexican government too.

One good thing about the 2008 American presidential elections is that the Mexican government can't lose no matter who wins. They will have an honorary Mexican in the Oval Office to replace the one who is leaving. This will not be good for the American people, but, then again, what is lately?

On the dismal economic/financial front, how many remember what Congressman Ron Paul predicted? How dare he be so right!

Dave Buhlman is a former New Hampshire State Representative who is praying for a warm winter.

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