
How to get back on track - Part II

---by Dave Buhlman

July 4, 2008 - 232 years and...

Last week several ideas were presented on how to get the country back on track and away from the edge of the cliff. The topics were the money system, ending our involvement in destructive treaties, controlling illegal immigration, and fixing our nuthouse foreign policy.

First on the agenda today is health care. It’s pretty simple to fix. The government has to start backing out of its intrusions into the system before we end up in long lines for surgeries, as in Canada and other countries where socialized medicine is mandated. The federal government started on the road to ruin in the 1970s by creating HMOs. Today, medical doctors are dictated to by the insurance companies, sometimes by gum-snapping kids, and millions are on Medicare and Medicaid. Medicare and its twin dark star, Social Security, will bankrupt the government; that is, unless the endless wars and the fiat money system do us in first. As the federal government backs off, market forces will fill the gap. For those cases where people need help, it has to be done on the state and local level, not by the DC behemoth.

There are over two million Americans in prison, which matches up well, proportionately, with the incarceration rate in mainland China. This is not the American way. To reduce this population, all those who are in for minor drug offenses should be released, and no more people should be imprisoned for ingesting certain drugs that are no more harmful than alcohol. Then the Ninth and Tenth Amendments need to be applied to get the feds out of the failed drug war. Let the states handle it, as was originally intended, and as guaranteed by these two Amendments. Each state can decide what’s legal within their sovereign control. And we need to stop having law enforcement personnel patrolling the streets of America with automatic weapons and masks on. Why are they hiding from us? We don’t need Hezbollah here.

An in-depth look needs to be undertaken regarding the federal tax system in order to get the weight off of regular, wage- earning citizens who are burdened with a total tax bill of about 50 percent when federal, state, and local taxes and fees are added together. Give those who claim that the Sixteenth Amendment was not ratified, and those who claim that the federal income tax does not apply to most Americans, a fair hearing. After all, when he claimed that the earth revolved around the sun, and not vice-versa, Galileo was threatened with imprisonment by the authorities in the 1600s. I guess we know who turned out to be right. It’s long past time to get shirkers, both here and abroad, corporate sharpies, and UN bureaucrats off of our backs. Americans deserve this protection. Instead, the government sets us up for the shearing. While we’re at it, let’s look at repealing the Seventeenth Amendment and go back to having US Senators elected by state legislatures.

The long snouts of special interests need to be pulled out of the DC trough. We can begin with Planned Parenthood. This group, founded by the racist, Margaret Sanger (Hitler loved her ideas), is on the federal dole for over 200 million a year. There have been nearly 50 million abortions since the US Supreme Court invented the “right” to it in 1973. Many of us know that abortion is murder, and ache over the tragedy. We should not be forced to pay for it by any level of government. As described in the US Constitution, Congress can end federal court involvement in any issue it wants, including abortion, but it chooses to shirk its responsibilities.

The First Amendment needs to be applied to end the influence of the religion of environmentalism, which is fast becoming the state religion, in clear violation of the First Amendment. If this green jihad is not stopped, Americans will be fist fighting over candles in the aisles of Walmart. We need to get back to nuclear power and start drilling in the teeny tiny area of the Alaska wilderness that has been under consideration for years. Maybe when Americans open their bills for the 2008 heating season, our state religion-induced pain will become clearer.

In summary, Americans have to realize that those who run the show do not have their best interests at heart, and that the back-breaking bill for the callousness of the elite will soon land on our doorsteps. There remains a lot of good in America, but some detrius needs to be cleared to let more of it shine through.

Dave Buhlman is a former New Hampshire State Representative.

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