
Obama will be Dems choice

Hampton Union; March 7, 2008
By Ron Dupuis
Democratic primary: The fact Sen. Hillary Clinton did so well in the recent primaries gives pause to all the pundits who have spent the last few weeks declaring her run for the White House over. That is, "all the pundits" except yours truly.

You read in this column a few weeks ago that Sen. Clinton's 11 losses in a row should make her realize the campaign is over and the prize is lost. I stand by those remarks. Do the math. If Hillary wins all the primaries from this day until the convention by expected margins, as a second place candidate Obama's delegate count would outmatch his opponent. The only dynamic that would change an Obama victory is a brokered convention. The Clinton machine may be somewhat better at coercing the Democrats' "super delegates' scheme" thereby overriding the will of the voters. A possible scenario, however, highly unlikely. Barack Obama will be the Democratic candidate for the office of president of the United States.

Republican primary: As a right-wing, radical, gun totin', conservative Republican, I, your humble, succinct, yet mildly humorous columnist will without question vote for Sen. John McCain for president in the fall. I have observed the senator since his 2000 campaign. I've spoken to him on numerous occasions, both publicly and in private; I have even confronted him on important issues that I feel he is opposed to. No matter. In this coming election for president "In My Humble Opinion," a left-leaning Republican who is strong on national defense would be better than a left-leaning Democrat who promises to raise our taxes.

On other primary notes, my congratulation go out to Gov. Mike Huckabee and all the members of campaign staff. Huckabee ran a campaign on nothing but positive messages and never once bashed the opposition. In addition to that, he did it on a limited budget.

Congratulations governor! You, and your staff, made those of us who supported you proud. Hopefully you will be offered, and will consider, a position in any future administration, whether Republican or Democratic. The country needs people like you.

China: As many friends and readers of this column are aware, the Dupuis family will be leaving for Beijing, China, in the very near future. The tour will include visits to the Great Wall, the Temple of Heaven built in 1420 A.D., and the Ming Tombs. There are two side trips scheduled. One is a flight to Shanghai and the other is to the Hangzhou Economic Development Zone where I, your humble yet capitalistic correspondent, will be seeking economic opportunities that would mutually benefit some New Hampshire businesses and trading partners in that area.

My lovely and understanding wife, or as I prefer to call her in this case, Mrs. "In My Humble Opinion," has several credit cards stashed for easy access for when she visits a Chinese jade factory, the National Embroidery Institute, and many other commercial enterprises that will allow her to spend my hard-earned dollars. Our offspring, the beautiful and somewhat precocious Miss Casey, informs me a stroll on the Great Wall and a planned visit to a Chinese school is piquing her anticipation.

"I also look forward to setting down at an authentic Chinese restaurant and eating off plates instead of out of boxes like we do here at home" was her latest comment. The entire trip, nine days, was co-sponsored by the Exeter Area Chamber of Commerce and a company in California called Citslinc International, Inc.

Stay tuned.

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