Don't get me wrong. I like trees. I plant trees. What I find moronic beyond comprehension is the political message.
The message? George W. Bush, the man, is the embodiment of all that is wrong with the world -- or ever HAS been wrong with the world. If we can just get rid of HIM, everything on earth will become nirvana, or heaven or whatever happy-place is in vogue for New Agers nowadays.
If they weren't serious, I could laugh at the absurdity. Trouble is, they are serious. They truly believe that all our world's ills are the direct fault of, and maintained by George W. Bush. That's just moron logic. Back to the little tree bag in the photo. If we didn't have George Bush we would not have wars? They should be kidding, but they're not. They really think this way. Were they all born just last year? Is Iraq the only war they know of? Are they unable to read history books?
Wars have been around long before there was even a name "George." For the history-deprived, I point to President Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) who ran on a No-War platform in 1916 and won. Only a few months later, he brought America into World War One. Perhaps I need to point out to the recently-born leftists that World War One was started before George Bush was alive. Heck, WWI started before even his father George H.W. was born. In WWI, the popular cry was "Down with the Kaiser!" Get rid of HIM and war will be over. And don't forget the Wilson administration's mantra for going to war in Europe: it was The War to End All War.
Right. That worked out pretty well, didn't it? Never mind those messy details like WWII or Korea or Vietnam and all those subsequent wars (American and otherwise) which happened anyway -- even though we won and the Kaiser was deposed.
Getting rid of Bush will not end wars any more than deposing the Kaiser did. It will not end violence in the mideast. It will not make the Arabs suddenly like the Jews. It will not make the combatants in Darfur suddenly tranquil. Bush is not the source of war -- mankind is -- and will remain so long after Bush is gone. It is patently moronic to actually think that removing Bush from office will stop war -- any war.
The perverse reasoning underlying the WWF ad copy reminds me of an historical event (which young liberals don't read, apparently.) It's the 1870s. American explorer Paul DuChaillu is in a remote central African village. A local man died of some sickness. The witch doctor declares that it was not "natural" for a young man to die, so it must have been witchcraft. Someone in the village must be a witch. He goes into a drug-enhanced trance and reveals that a young village woman is the witch. Who knew? She was such a nice girl. She denies emphatically being a witch, but the crowd, desperate to be rid of the source of evil among them, chants for her death. DuChaillu was helpless to stop the mob. They kill her and disperse back to their huts, feeling they've rid their village of the witch. That is, until the next person gets sick.
It's become popular, if not expected, for trendy liberals to adopt this exact same tribal mob mentality. Such leftist logic as the WWF is sponsoring can only disappoint everyone who buys into it. It's total foolishness to let ourselves get whipped up by a witch doctor into thinking that if we can just get rid of Bush that the black clouds will part and a golden new Jerusalem will descend from heaven -- the lion lie down with the lamb, etc. etc.
George Santayana said: "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." Wake up and smell the history books, people. Do you REALLY want to keep going through this?
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