

By Ron Dupuis

We taught them how to hold free democratic elections as we do in this country. Sadly, as in the Presidential election of 2000, we taught them how to react when unhappy with the results. Unfortunately instead of using litigation and lawyers in order to resolve their differences as we do, they use bombs and bullets. Both are “scorched earth” solutions, one more deadly than the other. Hopefully, in the future, they will ascend to our type of protocol rather than us descending to theirs.

“terrorism (n), The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.”

The Palestinian people have made a clear choice. In a democratic election they chose the terrorist group Hamas to run their government. They even elected a woman who proudly sent three of her sons on suicide missions and stated she will send her other children if asked.

Blowing up innocent women and children in order to gain political influence has not been a problem with any sort of fringe elements of Hamas. It is clearly written in their charter of 1988. They all believe in “jihad”, or, war on nonbelievers. If we were to extrapolate the number of Islamist in Palestine who believe in jihad and apply that percentage to the number of Islamist around the world (one billion 12), it’s easy to understand why many of us feel that the world is in a dangerous place.

On a lighter note; I never cared for AARP. Under the guise of helping our elderly, they try to sell us everything from insurance policies at inflated cost/ benefit rates, to vacation packages for the senile. What clear thinking seasoned citizen wants to travel 1500 miles in a stainless steel “Airstream” toaster in order to view the LaBrea tar pits for any length of time.
This week my wife and I had planned to spend all day Saturday doing those silly romantic things that we haven’t done since our courtship over twenty five years ago. A hand in hand walk along the beach that we always enjoyed in another time; a romantic candle light dinner at our favorite restaurant ; hot brandy beside a cozy fire at home and perhaps a little romance later; all was possible. That is “all was possible” until the mail was opened. My wife was reminded that she is now eligible to join AARP. Ten month before her actual 50th birthday, I might add.
“I’m too tired to go out” she declared.
“What about our “Day”’ I cried?
“You expect me to walk along the beach in this weather at my age?”
“Get my bathrobe, turn up the thermostat, and clear the snow off the driveway like you where going to do yesterday.” “After your finished that, go pick up some Chinese food for me.” she continued.
“Are we going to at least have hot brandy by the fire” I asked.
“No” she said emphatically!
“But that reminds me.” “Get me a six pack of Budweiser while you’re out.”
Thanks AARP!

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