
Say NO to Grinches

--- by Micheal

Seems everywhere you turn, someone is trying to make you feel bad about being happy at Christmas.

All the decorations, music and the lights, make you feel cheerful. You offer a cheerful "Merry Christmas" to total strangers. Some politically-correct Grinch nags that you shouldn't specify a Christian holiday. It might offend someone. (Cheerfulness offends?)

You found the perfect gift for your spouse or child and feel excited. You just know they'll love it. Some Grinch harangues you about how Christmas has gotten over-commercialized and merchandized.

You feel warm inside at the prospect of spending some quality time with your family -- who, you have to admit, you really do love after all. Some other Grinch feels the need to point out that thousands spend Christmas alone. How dare you feel disproportionate joy.

For every happy Christmas moment or thought, there's a Grinch trying to take it away. Sure, some people are happy at this time of year, a bit like second-hand smoke, they feel a sort of second-hand joy. They're happy, mostly because others around them are, but have no real idea why.

The source of the first-hand joy can be found in the third verse of the traditional Christmas carol, Joy to the World. "No more let sins and sorrows grow..." The birth of The Savior marks the beginning of mankind's escape from "the curse" of sin and sorrow. Furthermore, no Grinch can take that away. That is something to feel very joyful about.

Go ahead. Feel the joy.

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