
My Nobel prize

By Ron Dupuis

Next year, “I, your mildly humorous yet succinct columnist” am going to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Here is the plan. Right before the nominations are due, the announcement will be that my intentions for the next year will be to bring all the leaders of the world together to join hands and sing We Are the World. or Kumbaya, or some other nonsensical globally recognized song that promulgates peace throughout land. The next step will be to find a friend (no easy task in itself) to nominate me. BINGO, the prize is mine. Not for what I have accomplished, but instead, like Barack Obama, for what I intend to do.

Barack Hussein Obama mmm, mmm, mmm.
Children all over the country, mostly at school venues led by teachers, are singing the praises of the president. On the surface this practice seems somewhat harmless. In a worst case scenario this practice by members of the NEA could be considered as early political indoctrination of our children. Let’s wait and see how many praises these teachers practice when the President extends the school day, or the school year, or both, as he stated he will do.

A few reflections

President Obama's "transparency" in government: Yes Mr. President, we see right through Tim Guithner, Rep Charlie Rangle and all the Marxist, Socialist you have in your shadow government (Czars)

If all of Obama"s Czars are in one office building should we call it the Kremlin?
How many people have looked up to find out what comes after a "trillion"?

How many un-insured people are there in America; 40 million, 30 million, 20 million?
Does that figure include the free for life health care promised to us veterans?

Hopefully all Republicans of good taste will stop comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler. Hitler got the Olympics for Berlin.

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