What a lovely fiction. What an outright lie.
Truth is, science can never be truly neutral. Why? Scientists are people. People cannot be truly neutral.
Much about science becomes ethical (and therefore political) issues once the theoretical starts to become the practical. Practical issues -- what to do about this or that -- are entirely the realm of human politics. A harsh reminder of this lives in history (which is, sadly, a largely unknown country).
In the late 1800s and early half of the 1900s, the science of Eugenics was hot. Born of Darwin's theories on evolution, scientists studied ways to improve the human species. Very quickly, the scientific theories of eugenics developed into practical actions. Physically "ideal" humans should breed. Physically imperfect humans should be prevented from breeding. Someone (even a "neutral" scientist) telling you whether you or your children should be allowed to have a family or not, is far from a neutral issue. When, in the early 20th century, it became clear that humans were nearly impossible to regulate, stern government mandates stepped in. The imperfect should be sterilized so they cannot breed. Whole imperfect groups should just be eliminated so they cannot undermine the upward progress of mankind. Does anyone remember how well that worked out last time?
"There's no arguing with science, sir. Facts are facts. Now, step into this gas chamber. You're slowing down our progress."
No. Science cannot be neutral. Someone must be keeping an ethical eye on it or it will become ruthless. Ethics cannot help but be political. Should old people be protected or disposed of? Should the poor be fed or turned into food? Scientists are driven by agenda as much as any congressman. The notion that science can somehow be neutral is a total (and self-serving) fiction.
The reality is, Obama and the new liberal regime want embryonic stem cell research and increased abortions for their own political reasons. Scientists who align politically with the new liberal regime are the only ones who will be blessed with the label: "neutral." Opposing scientists will not be allowed if they do not genuflect at the Democratic Platform altar first.
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