
Change What?

---by Micheal

The headline across USA Today's front page read, "Time to Change America" as summarizing Barack Obama's and the Democrats' bumper sticker slogan for November. The TV has been stuffed to nauseating fullness with gushy blather about "bringing change" and "fixing things." It's all too much like a fast talking vacuum cleaner salesman's pitch. Lot's of high-sounding words, but conspicuously devoid of particulars. What exactly are they in such a big hurry to change?

In street magician style, the vague talk suggests things like more jobs and lower taxes and better education, etc. etc., but no one is really promising anything specific there. Thus far, it's just been a lot of waving of hands and wafts of smoke.

It's when Obama staffers speak out against McCain that you get a hint of what the change is they have in mind. They fret over abortion rights and gay marriage. THAT is what appears to be really important to them. The rest is intentional diversion stuff for those not paying close attention.

Not all change is good. -- Right now, abortion is already legal. Change would mean making it illegal. Do they really want to change America? Me thinks not. Gay marriage is not a federal right. Perhaps that is what they're in such an all-fired hurry to change.

The liberal agenda has (for the past forty years) been in a huge hurry to get God removed from America and let humanist doctrine run everything. Free love, everyone entitled to everything equally, except that extra-affirmative-action should ensure that anyone who felt oppressed by white males at any point in their family history, should be entitled to preferred treatment. (What happens to white males who felt oppressed by other white males?)

There are so many ways to totally screw up this country, that some vague sloganizing about changing America sounds like a very risky deal. I might change a few things, sure, but I'm not so sure America needs all that much changing. The political process in Washington needs improving, but a big injection of more humanist doctrine will only make the monster stronger, not better.

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