

---by Dave Buhlman

As we slog through our days, gasping at the rising price of gas, various thoughts occur to us all. Here are several of mine.

When is the last time President Bush paid for a gallon of gas? Maybe for tooling around his ranch in a pickup, or is that tab also picked up by the beleaguered taxpayers? The same likely applies to Senators McCain and Obama, along with many others who have their hands on the controls.

What caused Building 7 at the World Trade Center to collapse on September 11, 2001? The government states that the Twin Towers were brought down by the airplane hits and subsequent fires (very doubtful physics involved with that theory), but nothing except a little debris hit the 44 story Building 7, so what caused this other steel-supported building to collapse? The government doesn’t exactly say. I wonder why.

France gets about ninety percent of its power from nuclear plants. If the French can do it, what are we so afraid of?

With the value of a dollar sliding faster than a roller coaster, when will the government start working its way back to the solidness of a gold-backed money system, as Congressman Ron Paul suggested? Probably never under our current system where whim trumps law. Watch for the introduction of the new North American currency, the Amero.

How much money is Algore making from the three-card monte like global warming scam? Does he have utterly no shame?

It was a great pleasure to see the Texas Children’s “Services” fascists have to return those kids to their parents. Granted, Yearning for Zion is an odd group, but the government can cast any group in that light. Nice to see judges do the right thing for a change. But the government will try to get those kids again.

With same-sex “marriage” approved by the Kaliphonia Supreme Court, the slide into our morally decrepit state continues. Look for a blood brother and sister to give having their “marriage” validated by judicial fiat a whirl; maybe a man and his dog. They will rely on Lawrence v. Texas, and other decisions. Welcome to the monkey house.

Has Governor John Lynch become a complete cardboard cutout? And the Republicans can’t find anyone to beat this guy?

More importantly, when will Ron Dupuis be back on duty? Let’s all keep praying for a complete recovery for our good friend.

Dave Buhlman is a former New Hampshire State Representative.

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