

Hampton Union 02-01-08

By Ron Dupuis

With all the furor surrounding the Democratic race for the nomination, two old sayings come to mind. “Never look a gift horse in the mouth” and “when pigs fly.”

Senator Barack Obama received a gift horse this week in the form of an endorsement from the both revered and reviled Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. I say “revered” because the good people of his home state have seen fit to send the esteemed Mr. Kennedy to serve in Congress every six years for over the past forty. I say “reviled” because in other sections of the country Mr. Kennedy is considered by a lot of voters as one of the most morally vapid individuals ever to set foot on the Senate floor. Senator Obama should not only look this gift horse “in the mouth”, he should check out the backside, which is perhaps a more appropriate metaphor for this situation. Mr. Kennedy endorsed Michael Dukakis and it did not help. He endorsed John Kerry and it did not help. He endorsed Al Gore and, again, it did not help. Why is this any different?
In My Humble Opinion Senator Obama should quietly accept the controversial endorsement, thank the good Senator from Massachusetts and move on, never to mention it again. Should he win the Democratic nomination an endorsement from Kennedy may help him is some liberal New England states where he is strong anyway, but it will fatally harm his quest for the White House in many other parts of the country.

“When pigs fly”; former President Bill Clinton is the subject of a lot of controversy concerning his vigorous campaigning for his wife Hillary. I, your humble columnist, have never been any kind of fan of the Clintons. In fact years ago when asked about some innocuous program of President Bill, I remember remarking “I’ll support that when “pigs fly.” At this very moment my office shade is down for fear of seeing a winged porker whiz by. For whatever reason, perhaps in order to enhance his meager legacy, perhaps to re-ignite the political power he once held, or even to strengthen his personal relationship with his wife, Bill Clinton has every right to be as ubiquitous as he wishes and say whatever to whomever he pleases in order for he and his wife to regain the power that they once held.
The Obama campaign is sounding like a whinny child when complaining that they feel they are running against “two Clintons.” The fact is that they are running against “two Clintons” and Bill Clinton has every right to use whatever political charm and prowess he can muster, and wave that famous “I did not have sex with that woman” finger in front of any face he desires, in order for his wife to occupy the seat of power in the White House.

Finally, and on a more personal note, you would expect when two former State Representatives get together the conversation would be about legislation, issues, or even Presidential hopefuls. Not exactly. I told former State Rep and current Seabrook Selectman Dick McCann that an hour was all the time available to discuss issues and catch up on the days we served in Concord together. As often happens with old men, the conversation began immediately about health. I took the early lead in the “stents” race with my three to his two. In the backstretch the race was tied for a moment with equal colonoscopy events and problems. Around the far turn and in the home stretch Dick took it away with his ten daily meds to my meager seven. With only fifteen minutes remaining in our meeting we were so depressed that instead of further discussion we both ordered a full breakfast special complete with sausage and home fries. It’s tough getting old.

Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a former State Representative, and a freelance writer. His e-mail is drcdupuis@comcast.net. His web site may be viewed at www.imho-nh.blogspot.com

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