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---By Ron Dupuis
This column was published in the Hampton Union on May 16th. Ron’s column “In My Humble Opinion New Hampshire will appear in that Newspaper every other week from this date on.

Hampton Union, May 16th...Since the Hampton Union is graciously allowing me to write a column from time to time, I thought perhaps some biographical information would be in order.
My name is Ron Dupuis, I’m 62 years old, and, have been married to the lovely Dorene Dupuis for almost twenty five years. (Hope you enjoy the vacuum cleaner you got for Mother’s day sweetheart). A little over twelve years ago God blessed our marriage when my wife gave birth to our only child Casey, who, by the way, recently informed me that as an adult she intends to be a famous rock star, a lawyer, AND a bartender. This proves that God certainly has a sense of humor. Imagine, my daughter, A LAWYER! Where have I gone wrong?
A few years ago someone described me as a “dull minded, red necked, gun toting, opinionated, right winged radical Republican.”

My response was immediate. “Guilty on all counts.”

“Dull minded”; although I never graduated, I did attend four different colleges in six years. Or was it six different colleges in four years? I forget. It was the 60’s.

“Red necked”; most people think the term red neck was derived from farmers who worked the fields all day in the hot sun. Not true in this part of the country. In my world the term comes from misspent college youths who spent all their spare time sitting at bars, staring up at the T.V., watching sports while consuming adult beverages. Since this is how I spent most of my early academic career, a degree for me was just not in the cards.

“Gun toting”; from the Red Ryder BB gun of my youth, the m-16 I carried as a Marine in Viet Nam, or the Smith and Wesson 38 revolver used when I was a police officer, guns have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I’m a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and feel that any American who is of sound mind and not a convicted felon should be allowed to buy any gun they desire.

“Opinionated”; of course I am. The free market place of opinions and ideas to be discussed is the only way our problems are going to be resolved. In order for it to work, opinions must be voiced. Otherwise we face the dangers of apathy and that leads to stagnant growth both personally and as a culture.

“Right winged radical Republican”; this is my favorite and I plead guilty, guilty, and guilty. One of our founding Fathers once said that the job of government should be to “protect our borders and represent us to foreign governments.” Neither of which is happening adequately. Our borders are so pores that it is estimated one hundred thousand illegals cross over each year placing a strain on our economy and national identity. The job as “Ambassador” to foreign countries was, at one time, a position for career Statesman, has generated simply as a payoff for political hacks. If these thoughts make me a right wing radical than so be it.

Ron Dupuis is a long time New Hampshire resident, a freelance writer, and former State Representative. He can be reached by e-mail at (drcdupuis@comcast.net)

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