
Pope Exposes Islamic Double-talk

---by Micheal

At a university in Germany, on Thursday, Pope Benedict XVI quoted from an ancient Byzantine emperor and set off an Islamic firestorm to rival that over some Danish cartoons.

What on earth did he say? On the topic of jihads, he quoted Emperor Manuel Paleologos II who said, "Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." The emperor was speaking to that concept of become Muslim or die.

Amid the Muslim screams were statements like this, from Pakistan's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Tasnim Aslam: "Anyone who describes Islam as a religion as intolerant encourages violence."

Huh? Play that back again, but slower. Anyone who accuses you of beating people will be beaten? How, exactly, is this proving the Pope wrong?

The loudly outraged part of the Muslim community are make the same kind of oxymoronic statements that American atheist liberals do. They can't tolerate people who are intolerant (usually meaning Christians).

Some Dane publishes cartoons of Mohammed. Muslims go ballistic, demanding death to the blasphemers. Al Qaeda openly announce that Americans should convert to Islam, OR ELSE! We've seen a taste or two of al Qaeda's "or else" before.

What did the the Pope say, or the emperor, for that matter, that vocal portions of the Islamic community are not saying themselves? Why are they yelling at the Pope, demanding apologies, when Muslims are saying the same thing?

What we seem to have here, is Islamic double-talk. On the one hand, they want to demand that everyone else convert or die, but they sure don't anyone (else?) to point that out. How dare they be so intolerant?

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