---by Micheal
At a recent board of selectmen meeting in my town, there was both a bad precedent set, and an impossible goal voiced. The Nanny State creeps into small town government quietly.
First: The Problem. A resident had his house broken into early one morning. There was no town police officer on duty at that time. Three of them were out on medical leave, so the shift was unfilled. The call was routed to the State Police who took 25 minutes to get there. There was much outrage.
Second: The Bad Precedent. Selectmen, reacting to the upset resident, decided to hire an additional police officer. Whether they have the authority to do so will remain to be sorted out. Town residents have balked repeatedly over the years at budget requests to add to town-paid staff. One selectman exposed a sentiment which is poison for democracy. "Such decisions should not be decided by the town," said one selectmen. The selectmen, being so much better qualified, should decide. Incredibly, the audience applauded such arrogance.
The selectmen exhibited that hallmark Nanny State attitude. Only government officials know best. The voting majority can and should be ignored...for their own good! Thus begins the smug elitist's reign. Democracy is nothing but a hollow ritual. The State knows best and should decide all.
Third: The Impossible Standard. The break-in victim told the selectmen than residents have "a fundamental right to feel safe." I was shocked at the thought. Now, I can sympathize with his feelings. I've been there twice before -- once with the house, and once with my car. The feeling of being vulnerable and violated are powerful. I know that. But his is a completely impossible expectation. No town, no state, can ever satisfy collective feelings. What if a resident doesn't feel safe unless there is a policeman assigned to their driveway 24/7? It cannot be the job of any town's government to satisfy residents' feelings.
The victim-resident and audience expose the dark flip side of the Nanny State. Residents demand that their government be responsible for everything -- including their feelings. This resident's beef is with the other voters in the town. THEY voted to add only one policemen to the budget, not two. He should be demanding of the voters, at the next town meeting, that THEY satisfy his feelings. How far do you suspect that demand will go? The voters can take on that task or remind him that our collective safety is a shared burden, not a service to be ordered from the front desk.
The Nanny State does not have to arrive in jackboots or paratroops. It can sneak in quietly as local officials assume a smarter-than-thou arrogance, and residents demand nanny service.
Health care reform; no back room deals!
By Kelly Ayotte
With health care costs growing at unsustainable rates, it is becoming increasingly difficult for small businesses to provide coverage for employees and more expensive for New Hampshire families to obtain affordable coverage. Congress needs to enact meaningful health care reforms that lower costs and improve quality.
Unfortunately, the $1.3 trillion, budget-busting bill passed by Rep. Paul Hodes and the House of Representative takes us in the wrong direction. Hodes' plan raises taxes on small businesses and makes it more difficult for them to provide health care for their employees; it cuts Medicare for seniors; and it paves the way for government rationing of health care.
The Senate Democrats drafted their 2,733-page bill in secret, cutting back-room deals and holding their vote at 1 a.m., the weekend before Christmas. Why all the secrecy? They know the American people will be outraged by their plan, which raises taxes by $518 billion, cuts Medicare by $470 billion, and Congressional Budget estimates show will increase overall expenditures on health care by $200 billion over the next 10 years.
Congress should take a time-out and start over. We need to agree that any reform should meet the following principles: You should be allowed to keep your current plan if you choose; families and small businesses should be able to design a plan that meets their individual needs; Washington bureaucrats should not come between patients and their doctors; and it should not increase taxes or drive up our deficit.
I believe there are some common-sense reforms Congress could enact that would bend the cost curve of health care.
We should start with medical malpractice reform to reduce frivolous lawsuits. In underserved areas, the threat of these lawsuits has forced doctors out of practice, and this is especially true for obstetricians. As I travel the state, many doctors have told me they feel forced to practice defensive medicine out of fear of frivolous lawsuits. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that we could save $54 billion over the next 10 years if we enacted medical liability reform.
We should look more seriously at wellness programs that provide economic incentives for people to live healthy lives and use preventive care programs that have been implemented successfully by many large companies. Countless examples demonstrate that when wellness programs are used, insurance premiums go down and employees' health improves. Wellness is a win-win because we end up with lower health care costs and healthier families.
We need more transparency in our health care system. Health care is one of the only services we purchase where it is tremendously difficult to compare the prices of procedures and to obtain reliable information on quality. Consumers should have access to better information on the costs and quality of health care so they can make informed decisions about their own care.
We need to improve the efficiency and delivery of care with electronic medical records and better coordination of care. Patients who have chronic illnesses or diseases often have multiple doctors caring for them. Without coordinated care and physicians having access to complete information, a patient may receive duplicate tests or fail to receive the appropriate complementary treatment. Having electronic medical records and better coordination of care would save billions of dollars and provide patients with improved care.
We should allow small businesses to form a pool to purchase health insurance together. My husband, Joe, started a small business when he returned from serving in the Iraq War. Like other small business owners in New Hampshire and around the country, he has seen his health care costs explode over the last several years. By allowing small businesses to join together to purchase insurance, small businesses would have the same negotiating power as big companies. This can, and must, be done in a way that protects consumers. It is also inarguably true that when small businesses have lower health care costs, they are in a better position to create more jobs.
Finally, we should allow the purchase of insurance across state lines. This would create competition, driving down the cost of insurance. Additionally, it would give us more options to choose from when purchasing insurance.
There is no single silver bullet to solve our nation's health care problems. However, by using common sense, Congress can enact reforms drafted in the public's eye --instead of through back-room deals -- that reduce costs and provide us with better health care without raising taxes and driving up our deficit.
With health care costs growing at unsustainable rates, it is becoming increasingly difficult for small businesses to provide coverage for employees and more expensive for New Hampshire families to obtain affordable coverage. Congress needs to enact meaningful health care reforms that lower costs and improve quality.
Unfortunately, the $1.3 trillion, budget-busting bill passed by Rep. Paul Hodes and the House of Representative takes us in the wrong direction. Hodes' plan raises taxes on small businesses and makes it more difficult for them to provide health care for their employees; it cuts Medicare for seniors; and it paves the way for government rationing of health care.
The Senate Democrats drafted their 2,733-page bill in secret, cutting back-room deals and holding their vote at 1 a.m., the weekend before Christmas. Why all the secrecy? They know the American people will be outraged by their plan, which raises taxes by $518 billion, cuts Medicare by $470 billion, and Congressional Budget estimates show will increase overall expenditures on health care by $200 billion over the next 10 years.
Congress should take a time-out and start over. We need to agree that any reform should meet the following principles: You should be allowed to keep your current plan if you choose; families and small businesses should be able to design a plan that meets their individual needs; Washington bureaucrats should not come between patients and their doctors; and it should not increase taxes or drive up our deficit.
I believe there are some common-sense reforms Congress could enact that would bend the cost curve of health care.
We should start with medical malpractice reform to reduce frivolous lawsuits. In underserved areas, the threat of these lawsuits has forced doctors out of practice, and this is especially true for obstetricians. As I travel the state, many doctors have told me they feel forced to practice defensive medicine out of fear of frivolous lawsuits. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office estimates that we could save $54 billion over the next 10 years if we enacted medical liability reform.
We should look more seriously at wellness programs that provide economic incentives for people to live healthy lives and use preventive care programs that have been implemented successfully by many large companies. Countless examples demonstrate that when wellness programs are used, insurance premiums go down and employees' health improves. Wellness is a win-win because we end up with lower health care costs and healthier families.
We need more transparency in our health care system. Health care is one of the only services we purchase where it is tremendously difficult to compare the prices of procedures and to obtain reliable information on quality. Consumers should have access to better information on the costs and quality of health care so they can make informed decisions about their own care.
We need to improve the efficiency and delivery of care with electronic medical records and better coordination of care. Patients who have chronic illnesses or diseases often have multiple doctors caring for them. Without coordinated care and physicians having access to complete information, a patient may receive duplicate tests or fail to receive the appropriate complementary treatment. Having electronic medical records and better coordination of care would save billions of dollars and provide patients with improved care.
We should allow small businesses to form a pool to purchase health insurance together. My husband, Joe, started a small business when he returned from serving in the Iraq War. Like other small business owners in New Hampshire and around the country, he has seen his health care costs explode over the last several years. By allowing small businesses to join together to purchase insurance, small businesses would have the same negotiating power as big companies. This can, and must, be done in a way that protects consumers. It is also inarguably true that when small businesses have lower health care costs, they are in a better position to create more jobs.
Finally, we should allow the purchase of insurance across state lines. This would create competition, driving down the cost of insurance. Additionally, it would give us more options to choose from when purchasing insurance.
There is no single silver bullet to solve our nation's health care problems. However, by using common sense, Congress can enact reforms drafted in the public's eye --instead of through back-room deals -- that reduce costs and provide us with better health care without raising taxes and driving up our deficit.
By Cory Lewandowski
Americans for Prosperity-NH
On Wednesday over 300 people attend the Department of Revenue Administrations (DRA’s) hearing to protest Governor Lynch's job-killing LLC tax.
During the hearing DRA Commissioner Kevin A. Clougherty stated that the DRA couldn’t hold more public hearings on the LLC tax due to state budget cuts. AFP State Director, Corey R. Lewandowski would like to remind the Commissioner that he is a salaried state employee that has a state issued vehicle and doesn’t pay tolls. Lewandowski went on to question what expenses the Commissioner was talking about. “I am sure that if the Commissioner needs a place to host a public hearing, any local library would provide a meeting room free of charge,” Lewandowski stated.
Commissioner Clougherty was clearly unnerved by the capacity crowd opposing this 5% INCOMCE TAX on small businesses. When asked why the Commissioner doesn’t target larger corporations as opposed to small business owners, the Commissioners response was simple “I’m going to be fair and I’m going to go after everybody.”
AFP is calling for Commissioner Clougherty’s immediate resignation. Please call Governor Lynch today at 603-271-2121 and ask him to fire Commissioner Clougherty. Clougherty is the mastermind behind not only the proposed 5% INCOME TAX on LLC owners but also the recent increase in the Rooms and Meals tax to 9%.
On Monday, December 21, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Governor Lynch will participate in an online town hall hosted by the Live Free or Die Alliance. This is your chance to let the Governor know that you oppose his job-killing small business income tax!
Americans for Prosperity-NH
On Wednesday over 300 people attend the Department of Revenue Administrations (DRA’s) hearing to protest Governor Lynch's job-killing LLC tax.
During the hearing DRA Commissioner Kevin A. Clougherty stated that the DRA couldn’t hold more public hearings on the LLC tax due to state budget cuts. AFP State Director, Corey R. Lewandowski would like to remind the Commissioner that he is a salaried state employee that has a state issued vehicle and doesn’t pay tolls. Lewandowski went on to question what expenses the Commissioner was talking about. “I am sure that if the Commissioner needs a place to host a public hearing, any local library would provide a meeting room free of charge,” Lewandowski stated.
Commissioner Clougherty was clearly unnerved by the capacity crowd opposing this 5% INCOMCE TAX on small businesses. When asked why the Commissioner doesn’t target larger corporations as opposed to small business owners, the Commissioners response was simple “I’m going to be fair and I’m going to go after everybody.”
AFP is calling for Commissioner Clougherty’s immediate resignation. Please call Governor Lynch today at 603-271-2121 and ask him to fire Commissioner Clougherty. Clougherty is the mastermind behind not only the proposed 5% INCOME TAX on LLC owners but also the recent increase in the Rooms and Meals tax to 9%.
On Monday, December 21, 2009 at 10:00 AM, Governor Lynch will participate in an online town hall hosted by the Live Free or Die Alliance. This is your chance to let the Governor know that you oppose his job-killing small business income tax!
Action needed on health care reform
It is critical that you turn your full attention to the health care “reform” debate currently underway on Capitol Hill.
As I write, Harry Reid is forcing the Senate to meet 7 days a week to complete the Democrats’ march toward a federal takeover of the health care delivery system. He has even threatened to call Senators into session through the holidays if ObamaCare isn’t approved.
Although Reid sounds like the Grinch, we all know his bill would make the federal government a veritable Santa Claus when it comes to health care. That includes the potential for a government-run health plan in each state.
The Senate is now the central front in this fight. That’s why it’s critical that you contact Senator Jeanne Shaheen to express your strong opposition to the Obama/Reid/Pelosi health care bill.
Like Social Security and Medicare, the Democrat proposals add up to a massive, expensive new federal program. We can’t afford the entitlements we already have. How on earth do they think we’ll be able to pay for government-subsidized health care?
We all know the answer to that question: more taxes and stifling mandates. We also know who will pick up the tab: us.
What is less apparent, though, is the disproportionate share of the burden small businesses will bear. According to the independent Congressional Budget Office, new taxes on health benefits, prescriptions, medical devices, and reduced payments to hospitals would result in significant cost increases that will be passed on directly to employers and employees. That will make health insurance more expensive, not less.
For self-employed business owners buying coverage in the individual market, policies would be 10 percent to 13 percent higher in 2016 than the same coverage under current law. That is unacceptable – and it runs counter to the Democrats’ stated goal of expanding access to care.
Seniors and those nearing retirement should also be highly skeptical of the Senate’s pending legislation. That’s because Democrats want to pay for their $2.5 trillion bill, in part, by making cuts to Medicare. Just last week, they thwarted a Republican push to stop cuts for home nursing services that are critical for Medicare beneficiaries who can’t leave the house.
Bottom line, the Democrats’ plan will raise taxes, harm small business owners and gut Medicare. A public plan, or even a public option with any trigger attached to it, is a path toward a government takeover of our health care system.
But it’s not too late to stop them.
Today – immediately, if possible – you should make it clear to Jeanne Shaheen that New Hampshire doesn’t want the Democrats’ health care takeover. Tell her that competition and sensible marketplace reforms are what will lower premium costs and improve health care choices for individuals and businesses.
You can call Senator Shaheen at 202-224-2841.
Letting Senator Shaheen know where you stand is an important step toward stopping the Democrats’ bill. Call or write her today.
Fred Tausch
Founder, STEWARD of Prosperity
As I write, Harry Reid is forcing the Senate to meet 7 days a week to complete the Democrats’ march toward a federal takeover of the health care delivery system. He has even threatened to call Senators into session through the holidays if ObamaCare isn’t approved.
Although Reid sounds like the Grinch, we all know his bill would make the federal government a veritable Santa Claus when it comes to health care. That includes the potential for a government-run health plan in each state.
The Senate is now the central front in this fight. That’s why it’s critical that you contact Senator Jeanne Shaheen to express your strong opposition to the Obama/Reid/Pelosi health care bill.
Like Social Security and Medicare, the Democrat proposals add up to a massive, expensive new federal program. We can’t afford the entitlements we already have. How on earth do they think we’ll be able to pay for government-subsidized health care?
We all know the answer to that question: more taxes and stifling mandates. We also know who will pick up the tab: us.
What is less apparent, though, is the disproportionate share of the burden small businesses will bear. According to the independent Congressional Budget Office, new taxes on health benefits, prescriptions, medical devices, and reduced payments to hospitals would result in significant cost increases that will be passed on directly to employers and employees. That will make health insurance more expensive, not less.
For self-employed business owners buying coverage in the individual market, policies would be 10 percent to 13 percent higher in 2016 than the same coverage under current law. That is unacceptable – and it runs counter to the Democrats’ stated goal of expanding access to care.
Seniors and those nearing retirement should also be highly skeptical of the Senate’s pending legislation. That’s because Democrats want to pay for their $2.5 trillion bill, in part, by making cuts to Medicare. Just last week, they thwarted a Republican push to stop cuts for home nursing services that are critical for Medicare beneficiaries who can’t leave the house.
Bottom line, the Democrats’ plan will raise taxes, harm small business owners and gut Medicare. A public plan, or even a public option with any trigger attached to it, is a path toward a government takeover of our health care system.
But it’s not too late to stop them.
Today – immediately, if possible – you should make it clear to Jeanne Shaheen that New Hampshire doesn’t want the Democrats’ health care takeover. Tell her that competition and sensible marketplace reforms are what will lower premium costs and improve health care choices for individuals and businesses.
You can call Senator Shaheen at 202-224-2841.
Letting Senator Shaheen know where you stand is an important step toward stopping the Democrats’ bill. Call or write her today.
Fred Tausch
Founder, STEWARD of Prosperity
Keep CHRIST in Christmas

By Jerry McConnell
Have you done your Christmas shopping yet? Neither have I. I have been waiting for some guidelines from shopper-friendly sources that monitor a business’s trends and attitudes regarding advertising using the actual word Christmas and not the avoidance word, ‘Holiday’. If the store or business won’t use the word Christmas they are practicing anti-Christianism. I won’t shop in a store that has chosen to avoid use of the word Christmas. It began many decades ago as a Christian celebration; let’s keep it that way.
Liberal Democrats are so imbued with the notion that to keep the Islamofascists happy and to save their heads from severance off their bodies, they must degrade Christians and Jews. They do this on a daily basis with assistance from the heathen organization of ACLU the Anti-Christian Loonies Union. This must stop.
The United States is a country comprised of approximate EIGHTY PERCENT Christians; it was founded and begun by Christians and it has flourished with the addition of Christian accepting Judeo believers who while celebrating their own version call Hannukah have lived in peace with the Christian celebration of the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
But over the past few years in an attempt to straddle the fence and try to be neutral many businesses have deliberately avoided the use of the word ‘Christmas’ in their advertising and store or place of business facility decorations, which sorely offends nearly eight out of every ten American citizens. This Christian celebration apparently offends a very tiny percentage of our country’s population and to placate those scant few, many businesses risk losing the loss of purchases from great numbers of Christians who reject the businesses exclusionary practices.
In recent years a non-profit organization called “Focus on the Family Action” has conducted a customer-focused ‘rate-a-retailer’ campaign by soliciting shoppers to furnish their ratings and comments online at “StandforChristmas.com”
This non-profit organization explains on their website, how in recent years ‘Focus on the Family’ has evaluated the advertising of major retailers and assigned ratings based on their level of “Christmas-friendliness” and provided these ratings in an annual shopping guide.
You can visit FocusOnFamily.com and FocusAction.org to read more about these organizations.
The businesses listed below are grouped into 3 convenient tiers of Christmas loving or Christmas ignoring company practices. There is also one tier where the businesses within are trying to placate both Christians and anti-Christians with “just a little bit of Christmas advertising and mention”.
For those of you that will be going forth soon to do your shopping, print out the names of all these business so you are able to visit the more favorable ones and, as the businesses ignore Christmas, you can ignore them.
Stores and businesses that are More than 60% Christmas Friendly:
Bass Pro Shops
Lands End
Pier One Imports
Stores and businesses that are In the middle between FRIENDLY and IGNORES & need improvements:
Bed, Bath and Beyond
Home Depot
L.L. Bean
Stores and businesses that are More than 60% Negligent and Offensive towards Christmas:
American Eagle Outfitters
Banana Republic
Barnes and Noble
Crate and Barrel
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Eddie Bauer
Old Navy
Toys ‘R Us
Best Buy (Business with less than 10% Christmas friendly rating)
Borders (Business with less than 10% Christmas friendly rating)
Gap (Business with less than 10% Christmas friendly rating)
Lane Bryant (Only business with a ZERO Christmas friendly rating)
Jerry McConnell is a long time New Hampshire resident, a Marine veteren of Iwo Jima, and a published novelist. He resides in Hampton New Hampshire
Cracks of transparency.
Daylight appears as Congress puts spotlight on the Fed
By Gerry McConnell
At long last and many years of effort, a light has been directed into the deep, dark secrets of the Federal Reserve; a breakthrough that could make government operations more above board and honest in future years.
As reported in the New York Times Business section on November 19, 2009, by Edmund L. Andrews, for at least the past 25 consecutive years, Ron Paul, Conservative Republican Congressman from Texas, has attempted to introduce legislation in every session of Congress to bring the Federal Reserve Bank under increased scrutiny and transparency.
Paul had been unsuccessful in all of his previous attempts to make this huge government financial operation subject to normal oversight and investigative services, the House Financial Services Committee, under the chairmanship of Massachusetts liberal Democrat Barney Frank, who has been very much opposed to any information being furnished to the public taxpayers.
Though the measure that was approved was short of what Paul had tried to bring into the light of day for all of the taxpayers information, it did provide for Congress to order audits of all the Fed’s lending programs as well as of its basic decisions to set monetary policy by raising or lowering interest rates, the Times reported.
Now don’t get your hopes up too high because of this good news. There is certainly a healthy attitude in Congress to finally rein in a maverick agency that has operated under more secrecy than the CIA for a long time. And we’re talking about a very, very large amount of taxpayer’s dollars that were being handled as if they were the personal bank accounts of the individuals within the Federal Reserve.
Also, don’t forget that the current, tax cheating Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner was the President of the Federal Reserve just prior to be named to Obama’s Cabinet. We all have heard about just how secretive that man was about his money, or rather, the taxpayers’ money that he refused to take out of his own wallet as all of the rest of us have to do.
This latest approval to bring the Fed, as it is commonly known, into the realm of public scrutiny, was merely the result of a Congressional Panel; it was not the result of a full House of Representatives vote, which will come after the bill is heard and discussed on the floor. If history is any indicator, I can foresee a majority of liberal Democrats voting to kill the measure and keep the Fed’s operations totally secret as in the past, while the conservative Democrats and Republicans sit and seethe in disgust with “more of the same” liberal deceitful trickery.
One encouraging sign is apparent in the fact that the ultra-liberal, ‘to hell with what the public wants’ New York Times had the decency for once to make public a matter that their chosen political company has usually denied to for public consumption. The fact that the panel of the House Financial Services Committee that voted for the conservative Ron Paul’s legislation contained a good number of Democrat votes of approval may have helped the Times to go along with this legislation for the public.
Whatever it was, conservatives all over the country welcome the Times to the right side of the discussion for a pleasant change.
Jerry McConnell is a long time New Hampshire resident, a Marine veteren of Iwo Jima, and a published novelist. He resides in Hampton New Hampshire
By Gerry McConnell
At long last and many years of effort, a light has been directed into the deep, dark secrets of the Federal Reserve; a breakthrough that could make government operations more above board and honest in future years.
As reported in the New York Times Business section on November 19, 2009, by Edmund L. Andrews, for at least the past 25 consecutive years, Ron Paul, Conservative Republican Congressman from Texas, has attempted to introduce legislation in every session of Congress to bring the Federal Reserve Bank under increased scrutiny and transparency.
Paul had been unsuccessful in all of his previous attempts to make this huge government financial operation subject to normal oversight and investigative services, the House Financial Services Committee, under the chairmanship of Massachusetts liberal Democrat Barney Frank, who has been very much opposed to any information being furnished to the public taxpayers.
Though the measure that was approved was short of what Paul had tried to bring into the light of day for all of the taxpayers information, it did provide for Congress to order audits of all the Fed’s lending programs as well as of its basic decisions to set monetary policy by raising or lowering interest rates, the Times reported.
Now don’t get your hopes up too high because of this good news. There is certainly a healthy attitude in Congress to finally rein in a maverick agency that has operated under more secrecy than the CIA for a long time. And we’re talking about a very, very large amount of taxpayer’s dollars that were being handled as if they were the personal bank accounts of the individuals within the Federal Reserve.
Also, don’t forget that the current, tax cheating Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner was the President of the Federal Reserve just prior to be named to Obama’s Cabinet. We all have heard about just how secretive that man was about his money, or rather, the taxpayers’ money that he refused to take out of his own wallet as all of the rest of us have to do.
This latest approval to bring the Fed, as it is commonly known, into the realm of public scrutiny, was merely the result of a Congressional Panel; it was not the result of a full House of Representatives vote, which will come after the bill is heard and discussed on the floor. If history is any indicator, I can foresee a majority of liberal Democrats voting to kill the measure and keep the Fed’s operations totally secret as in the past, while the conservative Democrats and Republicans sit and seethe in disgust with “more of the same” liberal deceitful trickery.
One encouraging sign is apparent in the fact that the ultra-liberal, ‘to hell with what the public wants’ New York Times had the decency for once to make public a matter that their chosen political company has usually denied to for public consumption. The fact that the panel of the House Financial Services Committee that voted for the conservative Ron Paul’s legislation contained a good number of Democrat votes of approval may have helped the Times to go along with this legislation for the public.
Whatever it was, conservatives all over the country welcome the Times to the right side of the discussion for a pleasant change.
Jerry McConnell is a long time New Hampshire resident, a Marine veteren of Iwo Jima, and a published novelist. He resides in Hampton New Hampshire
The cost of healthcare
By Lee Quandt
The battle over the new proposed government insurance program is getting heated up. In fact it does not appear to be about health insurance anymore; but, more about politics. If you support the government run health insurance do you support Obama? If you don’t support it does that make you a republican?
What is known, is it doesn’t appear that anyone in DC knows what they are doing or talking about. First of all insurance companies do not provide health care; they pay for it. The insurance rates to providers, doctor’s, hospitals, specialty etc, are negotiated with those providers. The insurance companies negotiate the lowest fee payment schedules with the providers, then tack on a decent amount for profit and charge you.
The dummies in DC are talking about the quality of health care when they should be talking about the quality of payments for that treatment plus big bonuses for insurance CEO’s; apples and oranges. Because of their apparent lack of understanding on how the system works I have serious questions as to the quality of the final work product.
If the government was serious about reducing the cost of health care delivery, they would revamp the medical malpractice laws. Secondly they would promote tax credits for health care delivery alternatives like free standing clinics for non life threatening medical issues, flu, sore throat, the dreaded ear infections for children, aches, pains etc; $50 payments vs. $800 emergency room visits.
They should not provide health care coverage to illegals. If that happens the US (that’s you and me) will be footing the bill for anyone who makes it to our shores for free health care and we will pay for it, driving up the price; bad idea.
Now looking at it politically, and deciding what poll you look at, the majority of Americans don’t want their health insurance tinkered with. The democrats say, “No we need to fix it, it is a crisis”. Everything with the Obama administration seems to be a crisis. If it is such a crisis why is it that it won’t take effect until after 2012, the next presidential election?
The best way to handle it is to leave it until the midterm elections and let the voters decide by electing candidates that will either fight it or pass it. That way it will be up to the voters to support socialized medicine that will be paid for by new taxes and ripping off Medicare to the tune of $500 million, or the old system that needs fixing.
What we do know is people do not like politicians messing around in their personal decisions such as health care or health insurance.
The battle over the new proposed government insurance program is getting heated up. In fact it does not appear to be about health insurance anymore; but, more about politics. If you support the government run health insurance do you support Obama? If you don’t support it does that make you a republican?
What is known, is it doesn’t appear that anyone in DC knows what they are doing or talking about. First of all insurance companies do not provide health care; they pay for it. The insurance rates to providers, doctor’s, hospitals, specialty etc, are negotiated with those providers. The insurance companies negotiate the lowest fee payment schedules with the providers, then tack on a decent amount for profit and charge you.
The dummies in DC are talking about the quality of health care when they should be talking about the quality of payments for that treatment plus big bonuses for insurance CEO’s; apples and oranges. Because of their apparent lack of understanding on how the system works I have serious questions as to the quality of the final work product.
If the government was serious about reducing the cost of health care delivery, they would revamp the medical malpractice laws. Secondly they would promote tax credits for health care delivery alternatives like free standing clinics for non life threatening medical issues, flu, sore throat, the dreaded ear infections for children, aches, pains etc; $50 payments vs. $800 emergency room visits.
They should not provide health care coverage to illegals. If that happens the US (that’s you and me) will be footing the bill for anyone who makes it to our shores for free health care and we will pay for it, driving up the price; bad idea.
Now looking at it politically, and deciding what poll you look at, the majority of Americans don’t want their health insurance tinkered with. The democrats say, “No we need to fix it, it is a crisis”. Everything with the Obama administration seems to be a crisis. If it is such a crisis why is it that it won’t take effect until after 2012, the next presidential election?
The best way to handle it is to leave it until the midterm elections and let the voters decide by electing candidates that will either fight it or pass it. That way it will be up to the voters to support socialized medicine that will be paid for by new taxes and ripping off Medicare to the tune of $500 million, or the old system that needs fixing.
What we do know is people do not like politicians messing around in their personal decisions such as health care or health insurance.
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